
God, I’m glad/not glad I’m too old to have to deal with the unsolicited dick pic. Lololol what a wonderful world.

I say give Alec a chance! One the other hand, maybe some kind of mashup where more than one actor gives it a go...alternate realities movie? Maybe I should start writing.

Alec Baldwin is all set to play Drumpf!

Barron William Trump? LAME!

I know I’m old and all, but how the fuck am I supposed to know who a person named Joshua Jackson is? I am quite positive that he is not one of the Jackson 5.

Lawyer here: it probably all depends on his contract with NBC.

*mortality clause* hahahaha good one. I think we are all subject to that one, BTW. Lawyer here.

What a great gif!!! Yes, more Little Edie!!

You are soooo good.

S’ok...I got it. Also my blood pressure is coming down now. Thnx HRC.


Help meee...I need vodka.

I almost can’t stop reading this website, thanks! Also, great handle ya got there.

Gawd, this.

V. Good! Winner here.

I just remember he got outed right around the time we were nominating Bill Clinton and we were all HAHA about Mrs. HatestheQueers having a gay son.

Came here singing Ding dong,..... Great graphic!

It is now, thanks to “tort reform” brought to you by right wingers.

Hear, hear! Well put. The lawyers/portrayal of the courtroom were utterly ridic. But very good TV, compelling in many respects, certainly true about defendants without resources being generally screwed. Rikers Island realistic? — maybe; never been there, so I dunno but it’s probably way more of a hellhole than

How about approaching the witness so they could lean into them, Perry Mason-style? Like, so realistic, uh huh.