
Also, No. 57.

Big Bend is the greatest, but keep it at #29 so everyone will keep going to CA/UT/elsewhere and it stays one of the least visited national parks, the way I like it.

Honest question: are the Gawker trolls going to show up here?

Attention Prince heirs:

Trying to remember if cat has a collar. Also, see my other comments about stepfather.

Cat has some clue somehow.

See above comment. Stepfather is obs a bad guy, but if he offed her because he thought he’d get her share of the estate, he’s sadly mistaken.

Probate lawyer here. The stepfather would NEVER get everything just because stepdaughter died before will/estate was probated. *SHEESH* That was just such a giant stinking load of crap, it’s like D. Drumpf wrote that plot point personally.

And this is exactly what my board-certified physician says. She’s also definitely open to alternative medicine, in addition to regular “drug company” medicine.

Oh yeah, done that and she’s the one who says it’s not all that unusual for (now, former) gluten eaters. I have to take digestives with every meal. Who’d a thunk it — not me, that’s for sure.

Quick observation: I’m older than most people here and I’m here to tell you that I have a thing that happens to many (it turns out) as they age, which is I can’t eat raw food anymore. I mean, I can eat it, and then I can run to the potty the rest of the day with diarrhea. When you have to cook all vegetables/fruits,

Starred you both to promote.

I was just trying to remember whether he used to look more normal-ish. Don’t feel like googling, bleeeech.

Hahahahahaha good one.

From her first draft:

I am much too old to be so amused by this. It brings out my inner 12 year old. Bravo.

Yes. I go there all the time.

In fairness, he doesn’t actually listen to anybody.

Ah, I loved it. There are always lots of heavy-handed emotional moments, but the acting is great. I was genuinely surprised to find out the big reveal at the end. I haven’t read the books, obvs.

Anybody want to start an Outlander thread? I have GoT withdrawal already, and soon it will be extended to Outlander!