
For what it’s worth, I’m an old, and I have friends of all ages who’ve had abortions, going back 40 years. None of them ever regretted it and I was always so glad to be there for the ones who needed any kind of assistance with it. You made a valid decision and I’m very happy that you had a (relatively) easy way to do

Deh kittehs!

*kombucha belch* Sorry!

The family gave it to him, if I remember correctly. That episode is on half the time when I use that channel to fall asleep.

Little girl was crossing the street at night with a bunch of kids, drunk scumbag in pickup truck hits and runs, kills little girl, pickup is sought by cops after surviving kids and witnesses ID it, it’s found in driveway with a washing machine in front of it. Little dead girl has its GRILL pattern on her back.

DONG DONG DONG...right before the commercial.


Huh, just read the wikipedia on CapOne in the UK. Kind of nasty...I’ll get some actual money to pay that bar tab. Here’s to crying in whatever you drink....

No, she didn’t know the diff between Queen Eliz and the prime minister.

*whips out Capital One credit card, offers to buys rounds for you and yours*


OK, I’ll bite. Where is that?

Some of them (I’d say 25% or less) seemed to be on fire. I wondered about it, too.

Maybe that guy Jaime was asking to bring him Blackfish was in fact lying about the death of Blackfish. Just a thought.

That’s a fun read. Menzieses seem to be particularly active in the arts and in politics. I was very unfamiliar with it as a surname.

I knew you’d know! Wolf Hall was wonderful; should have dvr’d it. Another thing I wonder about: how is Tobias Menzies related to William Cameron Menzies (1896-1957; classic Hollywood production designer; best known for the “Atlanta burning” sequence in Gone With the Wind)? I’ve never seen that name except with those

GoT and Outlander: is Tobias Menzies the only actor they have in common? I know none of the major characters are on both, but aren’t some Irish/British actors besides the lovely Mr. Menzies overlapping these shows? Anyone?

Spaghettios aspic with vienna sausages on top??? Good god.

I left 40 behind almost 18 years ago (yes, I’m an Old!) and I have never remotely wavered from the liberal feminist self I became in my teens. And both of my parents voted for Goldwater in 1964! I was never like them, mainly because I could see that safe and legal abortion was essential, and that right wingers were

The “tiny hands” accusation has been making Drumpf crazy for over 30 years. Just ask Graydon Carter, who apparently started it and piles it on to this day, every chance he gets. And probably supports Hillary.