
I am going to ask this one question, which is a day late and will get no answer, but given that Tobias Menzies’ father was/is a BBC producer and such, why couldn’t his parents afford to get his teeth fixed? I know all the fake perfect rows of tombstone American teeth are not actually the greatest ever, but daaaayum.

If the High Sparrow is not an actual Ted Cruz delegate, he is on a first name basis with a bunch of them.

Did she fall through a trap door? She never comes back up in that vid...I can’t be bothered to go google the whole thing.

I usually throw in some lime sparkling water. It works! Takes the edge off anyway.

Similarly, I can’t find Absolut Mango.

Texas probate lawyer here. If you don’t want to go to a lawyer, the best thing to do is write out a holographic will in your own handwriting, sign it and date it. Just make it legible. Do not use legalzoom or any books at the bookstore. Best option of all is go see a lawyer who knows how to write a will in your state.

The shitshow coming soon to a large city in Ohio may be something I will actually watch some of on the TV thing. I haven’t been able to stomach the sight of hordes of white people with weird hair and even weirder looks on their faces for several cycles now, but this one is going to have actual drama, like Lyin’ Ted

Blurry enough for ya? It does kind of capture him, however.

This looks exactly like my cat, except he always has leaves from cut flowers/houseplants in his mouth, right before he pukes them up all over the place.

Laura Trex. Hahahahahahaha. Made my chair shake like crazy.

Younger than I am, I’m pretty sure. I’m a post-menopausal baby boomer, age 57.

Same. But I’m an Old, so there’s that.

Of all the dead celebrities who have died lately, he’s the only one I miss...glad I missed this particular shit on Facebook, though.

This is the most wondrously psycho shit ever. This makes me love the internet.

I would never give a cat aspirin, but valium is a regular thing for nervous kitties. I have seen it administered many times — a friend had a cat which had to travel with her on weekends and got valium on the regular. I tried 5 mg on my cat in heat, no reaction. Another 5 mg and still nothing. I wasn’t going to give

She is now — this was 15 years ago, and she went into heat when I wasn’t expecting it.

I dunno, anyone who’s ever owned a female cat in heat has noticed that she’ll do ANYTHING to get to a male. I gave a little 7 lb. cat 10 mg. of Valium to try and shut her up so I could get her to the vet for an emergency spaying the next day, and it didn’t even faze her. And she’s a little snugglebun who doesn’t

Why would anyone pay to see this?

Totally taking this picture. It’s every bit as good as Ted Cruz photoshopped into Led Zeppelin.

You know you shook me. You shook me all night long.