
It seems Hillary will mop the floor with an orange mop.


Do these fucking people meet all the time? It seems like there was just a CPAC thing about a month or two ago.

....but they’re also definitely gonna leave that party, go home and fuck each other’s brains out.

I had a Copper 7 for several months in 1976. Yes, I know that was before most Jezzies were born, but I thought this might amuse you on Saturday night. It never hurt that I remember, but at some point I started having the Period That Time Forgot — it lasted for nearly a month and I was going through a box of 40 super

Been there many times, and that was not what I meant to imply — what I’m not surprised about is that Eduardo is a complete jerk in Walgreens.

True, that. Same in most of Texas (I’m in Round Rock).


Wow, in Houston? #nosurprisewhatsoever

I sent $50. I don’t actually need another t-shirt, but it is a good one.

Sorry to be flip, but my takeaway from this is don’t be on reality engagement shows. Since I’ve never watched one of them, I don’t even know what I’m missing. But so many of them attract the profoundly depressed?

Daddy’s friends gave his super PAC $100M and it’s not all used up yet. He can’t quit until it’s all gone, and he’s not allowed to communicate with it directly, because super PAC rules. So he may not even know when it’s all gone.

Hahahahahahahahahaha good one

This is what I came to say.

This right beat me to this comment.

Jujy you need more stars, my friend.

Outdicked by both Trump AND Cruz.

There’s a 2013 biography of Manson by Jeff Guinn which is really well researched, including a number of interviews with his actual relatives from West Virginia, including a first cousin who helped raise him. He was a sociopath from the beginning, his mother a teenager and likely father (not the man named Manson who

If I had to play Fuck Marry Kill with any Repub presidential candidates, I’d be hard-pressed to keep from puking while I pick Fuck and Marry, but Kill is a no brainer. Ted would be dead so fast it makes my head spin. #FMKCruzdies

I really wanted to engage in the snark of looking at all these pictures and captions, but they uniformly depict a melted dumpling thing who makes me want to barf. Ewww, gross, gross, gross! Could only look at the first few and then had to scroll really fast.