
I only have one star to give. Vodka, lime flavored soda and lime squeeze, nice clear rocks. is hte best thing EVER!

This is often referred to as a "recovering Catholic" situation, right? I, too was raised Catholic and totally felt forced to go to church and couldn't wait to be an adult and give it all up. My mother was a practicing Methodist so I had an example of Other Christianity to grow up with, but looking back I never


Yeah, Clint, there's no glory in making it to the age of 100 if you're completely out of it when you get there.

Well, I guess I can let go of my hope that he steps on a rusty nail....but that could still happen to any number of anti-vaxx idiots.

Oooooo, good one.

Get VagRestore, it's DHEA pills that you use vaginally 3X per week, no prescription needed, get 'em online for $20/month. THIS WILL SAVE YOUR PUSSY and keep you from getting incontinent later. I swear by them — they were recommended to me by my doctor.

You and your mom have my sympathies. I had/have it pretty darned easy. My doctor says it's from not having children, esp. not having had them in my late 30's or later. I had no idea that not having children would give me this benefit.

You will, if female, experience a few years where you will be hot a lot of the time. Then things will get back to normal (I'm there, I hardly ever get cold anymore, but the hot flashes have abated). Don't know when I'll start feeling cold again...elderly folks have lost the ability to shiver, and that's what makes

This is the best comment out of many good ones here.

How will we live without our Burt????? Texas needs all the help it can get. Blog from wherever you are in TX, Rebecca. And go out the door and smack a few rednecks now and then. Doing a little of that always gives me all the feels....

Good question. It obviously applies to all Texas attorneys but I don't know whether to extrapolate to other states. Lawyers are licensed by their respective state supreme courts. I'd say, in answer to your question, probably.

As soon as I got my license, the TX Supreme Court started sending me mail addressed to the Hon. SayItAgain, so at least I have a title. I'm an Honorable!

I've got a degree that says "Doctor of Jurisprudence" on the diploma and I've practiced law for decades, but I'm not going there. Dr. Again would make everyone laugh. Although some people address me as "Attorney Again" as if that were a title.

Just came here to drop in a comment about the mumps...boys who get it at puberty (right when testicles are descending?) are often rendered infertile by the said mumps. No sperm production, ever. Is this what you had in mind, anti-vaxxers? Idiots.

This guy is obviously is an abusive jerk who feels very entitled and will probably wind up in prison only after he kills a white person, but I fail to see how smashing an ipad is a serious crime. Because it belonged to the wife? I am not saying this out of any misbegotten loyalty to Microsoft.

You are my heroine today! Thank you for your service. Seriously.

Of course, I live in Texas, so who am I to talk?

This is the person who took Tom Harkins' place? Oh, Iowa.....

Excellent snark, but I could have used even more.