
routine tropical family intervention *snorted*

That website is freaking out, unable to load. And I don't have Isis In Iraq's address anyway.

*trying to take off Texas probate lawyer hat and put on constitutional lawyer hat* The whole idea of this legislation is making my brain hurt. Time for more wine.

Just hold it at arm's length, with that SheMadeMeHoldThis expression on your face. Every man I've ever been shopping with, including my late father and grandfather, could handle that. As long as you have the slightly anguished look going, no one will think it's your purse, and she'll hurry up with whatever it is

I know nothing of Gloversville, but this comment made me laugh.

Amen to this.

It's not hard to find gluten-free pizza.

According to my doctor, a board-certified internist, no one should eat gluten because it pokes holes in your intestine, allowing poop to get in your bloodstream, thereby wreaking various forms of havoc on your system, including (potentially) causing autoimmune diseases. My significant other has his myasthenia gravis

Word. Thank you very much.

Wasn't the one that was found in KY someone's pet? Not saying anything about the presence or absence of mountain lions in KY, cuz I don't know. We have 'em in Texas, although mostly out west where there are very few people.

THIS. Is. Perfection. All the stars for you.

Texas here — blackeyed peas and cornbread. I added soy chorizo sausage to the peas.


9:00 PM at liquor stores, 2:00 AM in bars (but depends on the county/town), midnight at grocery/convenience stores on the beer and wine. But you already found that out.

Fun facts to know and tell....thanks for these tidbits.

A non-linguistic example of this is the American preference for coffee over the 17th century, when my ancestors departed the native isle, coffee was the British beverage of choice. Tea was just barely available, very expensive and no one but the very wealthy could afford it. In the late 18th and early 19th

Dear Rest of the World:

Good for you! I hope you enjoyed it. It was front page news in the Statesman today.

That would be cool, howdy, Seth!