
I just want to note here that she clerked for Sonia Sotomayor, who is a heroine.

If only conservatism was appealing only to the oppressing class.....IF ONLY.

Dadgummit, I'm only as earnest as amaranth. :-((

I keep forgetting you're in TX. I just went to HEB and got 3 containers of pre-washed greens. Haven't found a grasshopper yet, but WTH, it'd just be extra protein if I didn't catch it in time....

OK, here's my idea. Whatsay some of us pro-choice Texans get together, form a 501(c)(3) and apply for money from the Crisis Pregnancy fund? We can pretend to be sorta religious or whatever you have to be to get the funding from the State of Texas (grrr...). Then we open us up some crisis preg storefronts, where we

Yeppers, I'm here in Texas and you are absolutely right.

When I was a cocktail waitress many many moons ago, we used to drink scotch out of tea cups from the restaurant. Bartender would fill us up with the good stuff. Glenlivet, with a saucer to catch the spills.

Also Brokeback Mountain. She was great in that. I haven't seen all of her movies because I have a limited ability to withstand romcoms AND I just couldn't take another iteration of the insufferable French Miserables but I've always liked her whenever I've paid attention to any of her movies. Devil Wears Prada is

Best eyeroll gifs ever. You win the internet today.

The only thing I can think of to say about this weirdness is that someone has succeeded in getting a hell of a lot of attention. Also, how exactly do you make a guy stand by the side of the road holding a sign like that? Clearly this young woman has some kind of superpowers. Or something.

Texas Tribune Festival, not Tribute. Rick Perry is a total dick. This cannot be emphasized enough. A. Total. Dickwad.

Yes! Castro brothers rule.

OK, I stupidly tried to ask this on another thread where there is Much Controversy over the original poster's post, so I'm trying again. How exactly does this happen? The celebrities posed for private pics and their phones automatically sent said pics to cloud storage where they got hacked? Or the celebrities'

Wow, you two should go for it. If you dare.....

Thanks for answering the question that immediately formed in my mind: how can this even happen? Sorry, I'm an old. Just so I can comprehend this, is the sequence of events one in which the celebrity poses for a pic which is meant to be private, then it gets stored in a cloud based server/she emails or texts it and

Mr. Again and I have had this for 17 years and although we have slowed down considerably as we've aged, it's just been a walk in the park for us. There's another thread about threeways here — Mr. Again likes a bit of cock now and then, and that's fine with me, whether I'm watching or not. We are very secure about

Never. 1988 was the last time I used bc. Now I've gone through menopause. I'm cool with it.

Stuff from Costco: I sauteed a bag of baby squash in olive oil with some red onion slices and basil, then put that on top of some uncured Canadian bacon slices on a plate. Yum!

As a formerly ambivalent childless woman who is now post-menopausal, I'm just here to say I've got no regrets and I don't know anyone else in my tribe who has any, either. That was some Silent Generation crap. Boomers not so much, at least in my observation. I've known a few who regretted having them, however....

I just dropped by to say, me, too! My parents have both passed away now, but I started telling mom to kick out the abusive rageaholic when I was 12. We would all have been so much better off, including him. There was no physical abuse, but the screaming volatility and verbal abuse made me nervous my entire