
Well, his facebook page has got me now. I'm all accustomed to the Dem candidate running in the wilderness against the safely gerrymandered Repug. I live in Texas.

The Hobbit: We Split This Fucker Into Three Parts Because Fuck You. Ha, ha, ha. Good one.

Just, you have a great handle and a great comment there.

This makes me want to tell about my 60's childhood comfort food, which was a type of tuna surprise. Boil some pasta (we used egg noodles back in the day), to the point of not quite mushy, drain it, then stir in a can of tuna and a can of cream of mushroom soup. Voila! It's warm, bland and extremely comforting.

Looks like you're wrong about McCrum's campaign contributions. The Austin paper says he's given to one Dem and 2 Repubs in the past. Who knows if this link will work.

Well, McCrum was recommended by both Republican Texas senators as a agreed nominee for US Attorney in the past couple of years, and I don't see John Cornyn doing Dems any favors, ever. Also the judge who appointed him is the Repub nominee for his district for the Court of Criminal Appeals, probably to be elected this

Dodai, many extra points and a gold star for editrix. GOOOOOOOD one.

Yeah, it's settled. Acknowledgment it is. Also judgment.

You do realize the Dems completely recused themselves and had nothing to do with this, right? A Republican judge appointed another Republican judge who appointed a Republican prosecutor to investigate. Ricky's claims of partisan bias are completely baseless. No telling if he will actually get convicted, but the

I think we have a winner right here.

As a lawyer, I really think you people should get into an "acknowledgement" vs. "acknowledgment" discussion, pronto.

Yeppers, I've had cats all my life and every one of them was a volunteer. Some came from friends with unexpected litters, some just walked up. I've always said the right price to pay for a cat is $0.00. Of course you will pay the vet bills — spaying, shots, etc., to say nothing of a lifetime of kibble and litter.

Amen, sister. I too was eager to find out what was hurtin' de Barbeez. Somebody needs to make something up.

is how I read this. But at least it's Friday....

Hmmm, BYU sounds pretty Taliban-y. Conservative churches are remarkably similar to conservative non-Christians. It is a challenge to be female in this world.

Well, I was thinking there were both Jimmy and Jenny, but I am getting too old to remember these things clearly.... ;)

I just realized how cool your user name is.....I, too remember Jenny Jazz with fondness. The Clash was my fave band back in the day, and they used to come to Austin pretty regularly.

Get out!

I just came here to say that avocadoes are fruit and deserve a high ranking somewhere. Also, you are wrong about home-grown tomatoes and watermelon. I like all fruits so I would never deign to rank them. It is hard to go wrong with raspberries, but the seeds in the teeth make me prefer the other one you didn't even