
I'm having a little trouble processing it as a real thing, because it's not like I knew him personally or anything, I just took seeing him here and there as a working comedian/actor for granted. Very weird to think that is over (after all the movies he had already finished come out). A strange kind of loss, so

The only good Ayn Rand is the Helen Mirren Ayn Rand.

Not sure which state you're in, but this is happening in a lot of them nowadays.

Haven't we all changed from when we were 19 or 21? Maturity is a process that most of us experience (I know there are exceptions to this — some people are idiots or just psychopathic and never grow up). Of course most of us were doing immature things at the dawn of adulthood like getting high and having questionable

Ditto. Preach.

Once when I was 3, we were staying at an old hotel on a trip to Maine or somewhere and the toilet made a funny gurgle when flushing. I looked in there and asked my father what that sound was, and he said, "It's the frog in there." I said, A TROG!!! I'M NOT GOING TO PEE WHERE THERE'S A TROG!!!! My mother was

Why do Germans have these words and we don't?

I want to know, too, but I bet it's the kind of thing this person can't tell about without totally revealing her/his true identity. :(


RBG rules!!!

In hell all they can get is boiling water, I'm pretty sure. Boiling milk, maybe?

I like the way the human in this video turns and walks away at the end, like he really needed the cat to slay the cat balloon and OK, now that's crossed off my list of things to do today.

I'm not a royalist (as an American I'm neutral on the subject) but I remember thinking, every time I saw a picture of pregnant Kate, those two cannot possibly produce a homely child. How right I was. He just gets cuter every day, and I am generally no fan of babies, either.

Well, allrighty then. Welcome to the 20th century, Louisiana! 'Bout time.

That's why it's illegal in every state except Louisiana. But it is a pretty old "sport" — I'm pretty sure it goes back a thousand years and for some reason refuses to die in rural areas. And people continue to carry on illegal dog fights as well. People are the worst.

The backstory! Always the best. Thanks for this.

If she can't come up with $500 for the sperm bank fee, I seriously doubt she's going to be able to pay a lawyer for a contract (it would be at least as much as sperm bank and probably more). Sorry I don't do family law, so I can't answer your question about the substantive law. I mostly write wills and such.

I just have to share my best county fair story, from way, way back in the 70's when I was a teenager. I dropped some blotter acid and then started my period, wearing white pants. The centrifugal force ride somehow made it all okay.

When I was three years old, I had this to say about fireworks: "Pretty lights go bang bang bang." More than half a century later, I stand by that assessment. Also, happy birthday, Malia! I'm really sorry I can never remember how to pronounce your name.

Honestly, now that I'm in my 50's and the whole having kids thing is COMPLETELY moot, I can tell those people how it really is: I feel like I dodged a bullet by not having kids. For many reasons.