
Well, I didn't give birth to any of you, but I could have pooped out you all if I had any maternal instinct whatsoever. I'm 55. OK, maybe not the 41-yr-old.

This right here! Also sigh kids today. I was a freedom fighter in the sexual revolution for these young whippersnappers! OK maybe I wasn't exactly thinking them but I sure am glad I enjoyed it while I could.

The Catholic thing has changed a lot I guess...when I was a girl we were discouraged from reading it. The Old Testament was just stuff the ancient Jews told their children to get them to go to sleep at night, (I know, it's scarier than that) and we were supposed to get all our New Testament bible study in by

It's just really hard for me to decide what my favorite part of this is. $5.04? Moles with hairs? Bagebers? If only he could have worked some baby dinosaurs in there somewhere.

Good one. Totally good one. I say you win!

I've said it before, and here I am, saying it AGAIN, but I just think we need some giant posters of photos of actual dead women who died from illegal abortions to shove back in their faces. Gross, I know, but 2 can play that game.

Conveniently, I just went through menopause a couple of years ago. Sorry that seems to be the only good option at this time. I spoke to a clinic director from Albuquerque last week and she's already had 250+ Texas women in there because of this insanity. Guess the Repubs want lots more poor women to have lots more

I'm an old lady in my 50's who never had one but helped many friends get them and have known many others who did going back almost 40 years and I've never heard any of them express any regrets whatsoever. Just saying.

Sorry I was just agreeing with you. Also, I'm old.

Really. Got fire AND tools? Got culture. Did someone line some rocks up some different way and show that to the other people? Culture. Also, no archeological record of it, duh.

Really. Got fire AND tools? Got culture. Did someone line some rocks up some different way and show that to the other people? Culture. Also, no archeological record of it, duh.

I know this is about dogs, but I have a cat who addresses the litter box prior to pooping. Meow! Dig, dig. So funny!

Ah, yes, my blissfully sleepy weekend. But now it's back to the salt mines. Better than unemployment, that's for sure.

My mother favored canned pea coats, but I have switched to frozen pea coats.

Hi Mrs. Pankhurst, nice to see you again! I sure do agree with everything in your letter to whatshisname. Hope you're having a great weekend.

You mean you weren't looking for *leadership* from some man on who to vote for? You hussy.

Me, too! I've lived in the South my whole life (the last 38 years in TX) and I've never had any Baptists try to save me. I think I've got a don'tfuckwithme vibe or something.

Sorry to be boring but Pyrex anything/everything.

A lot of people do not realize the extent of racist activities in the southwest (I'm looking at you, Nevada and you, too, Arizona). William Reinquist, former SCOTUS chief justice, was personally involved in running black people off from a polling place in AZ in the pre-civil rights days. Plenty of performers in Las

The reason I'm not going to see it is because I just can't take that level of violence on the big screen. If it appears on HBO, I'll probably watch. You make a good point which I have often thought myself.