
I have to make a quick mention of my ancestors who were early white settlers of Kentucky in the 1780's and who did not bring any slaves with them from Maryland and never owned slaves from then on. The family lore was that people with our surname never owned slaves, ever. It was certainly true of the 3 brothers who

By ancestral countries, do you mean Spain and Portugal? Funny, since people in TX who are hispanic are usually somewhat/mostly Native American. This IS your ancestral country. Unlike me (all British/European).

When will the Texas game come back on? It's on hold for weather. Also I made vegan chili and I'm having a nice pinot noir from sonoma county CA.

Lawyer here. Public figures are fair game in the USA. First Amendment trumps libel. Too bad I can't think of any good celebrity gossip. I will ask the boyfriend man when he gets here.

My's going to take some time for you to mend. Emotional injuries are often just as bad or even worse than the physical kind. Sending healing thoughts your way.

Who is this Farrah Abraham person and why must I keep reading about her?

OMG just thought of the best Texas photo ID to show at the polling Costco card! It has my picture on the back. I was thinking of filling out one of those wallet ID cards.....jusr to wreak a little havoc tomorrow (we have constitutional amendments & bonds to vote on right now).

OMG just thought of the best Texas photo ID to show at the polling Costco card! It has my picture on the back. I was thinking of filling out one of those wallet ID cards.....jusr to wreak a little havoc tomorrow (we have constitutional amendments & bonds to vote on right now).

And I thought he always had that pissed-off look because the Senate only pays $174,000 when he was making $1.57 million a year practicing law. But it turns out he spent his life savings on his campaign? Wow, a pay cut AND no money in the bank. Except, wife works at Goldman Sachs. And he'll make godknowshowmuch in

I have been to proper tea in England. .but it was many moons ago and I should visit again. My mother was shocked back then (it was in early 70s) that they used tea bags in the pot at tea time. She always made it with loose tea. I have to say I've used bags now for years. I will come see you one of these days and

I have been to proper tea in England. .but it was many moons ago and I should visit again. My mother was shocked back then (it was in early 70s) that they used tea bags in the pot at tea time. She always made it with loose tea. I have to say I've used bags now for years. I will come see you one of these days and

At least I have enough palate to avoid Lipton's...the worst ever. Tazo which is an American brand is actually the best but ever so spendy. Cheapish tetley is a compromise. Bigelow is so-so; Twinings is spendy but only OK, etc. There are many not worth mentioning, eg Trader Joes. I am almost the only person I know who

No, no, tetleys all alone. Tetleys only with hot water. I don't do dairy in my tea (or elsewhere). Everybody around here thinks I'm weird enough not drinking coffee, so don't tell them I need milk in my tea! (Actually I will take the Texas addition if anyone insists: a lemon wedge). We haven't even discussed that

Actually I'm a tea drinker myself...and Tetleys at that. But it's wine o'clock in Texas now. I'm having a nice pinot noir; I'd share with you if I could!

It's our evil plan to ignore all of you furriners forever, until the empire comes crashing down and we drag everyone down with us, and then we are going to blame it on you. Bwahahahaha. Sorry.

The diametrical opposite of a catcall is a shout-out of encouragement. Like this past summer when I was driving around on business in Austin on that Monday when the forces were amassing at the Capitol in the wake of Wendy Davis's filibuster and in anticipation of the gross-out anti-choice legislation the trogs were

My cats are actually proud that humans have named anything after their meowing.

Yeah, well, their complaint was "he's not enough like KBH!" Pathetic.

Houston Chronicle took back its Cruz endorsement today. Hahahahaha

I have photos of a long-departed cat and dog: Dog is on the floor, looking dejectedly at the cat in her bed. Cat used to plop down in there the minute the dog got up to get a drink of water or whatever. Dog was afraid to challenge cat, and cat would occupy dogbed until humans intervened. Classic.