
I have taught cats to do this, and if there's a loud noise they can shrug out of any harness/collar I've ever tried. A cat on a leash is cute, but not very secure in my experience.

I had a cat that I adopted from the yard (he came up to me one day when he was a kitten and needed a home) and he always loved going out, although he spent most of his time in the house. Until that fateful night when he was 12 and he had a bad encounter with raccoons. Pretty sure that's what it was. He was so

I think you millennials are precious and adorable, although I failed to give birth to any of you, and I will buy you a $35 bottle of wine if you ask me. And come with me to Costco/Whole Foods to get it. Mwah!

Me, too!

I laughed harder at this than anything else on the internets this month! British people walking around in the cold! Banging a lot!

Yes, it is. I could enjoy me some Cumberbatch, if he ever wants to come here to visit. Hey, Ben, you can skydive in Texas!

Why can't Protestants get with the Father Son Bird thing? It is the Infallibility of his holiness you see.

It's impossible to explain but if you get a GROSS OUT thing on the creep radar, you just say goodbye politely and disappear. No more of you for him.

Always listen to creep radar. Keep it turned on high while you are young. It is always correct. Saved me many times in my youth.

I understand but this is an alien concept to me ... men must lick and satisfy! I am an OLD so whatever....

Yes creep must have that.

OMG, kids today. We would never have thought about this back in the sexrev 70's.

My guy and I have been together for 16 years but we have yet to move in together. We both like having our own space. However, we also love being together for a week on vacation and spending every night in the same bed. Marriage is not ever likely but we might get a house together, eventually. Like before we are

Hibiscus Absolut and sparkling water here

Anyone see Jason Jones on the Daily Show interviewing some rightwing young woman who was complaining about the ACA/federal gov't getting involved in women's bodies and he asked her "are you pro-choice?" She did get a little flummoxed when he pointed out the discrepancy.

And you'd never be able to get anybody smart/qualified if they had to be afraid of lawsuits all the time. Honestly, this lawsuit is probably just a publicity stunt.

If you're referring to Rosemary Lemberg, in Travis County, the reason we want her to serve out her term instead of taking a hike is that it's early in her 4-year term and we would have to put up with a Rick Perry appointee who could and would work much mischief in the couple of years that he/she would have before

Ren & Stimpy!! The perfect cartoon to think of when removing blackheads! However, I cannot watch that video, because: PUKE.

And I am here to tell you that one day, when you get past menopause, as I have done, you will still be perfectly happy/content with your decision. I know I am. Regrets, I've got none. Life is great without certain complications. I am fortunate to have thrown my lot in with a man who feels the same way.

I just want a Wiccan coven to set up a religious school in one of those states and we can send our tax-credited dollars to them, too. It will also be extra fun for the Christian nuts when they realize what their law has done. Come on Wiccans, get it together!!