
The goddess smiles upon you. I can feel her doing that.

I just want to thank American Bandstand. And Dick Clark.

It's got a good beat and you can dance to it.

There are too naked people on the video.

The aliens are going to think crickets and frogs are the same thing. Likewise with volcanoes and thunderstorms.

Mud pots are a thing? I'm not a young person (I was 19 in 1977) and I've never heard of mud pots. Why did we send out a sound of mud pots?

Mine disappeared into the grey.....but it was a good one.

I have made it all the way past menopause with no pregnancies. Thank the goddess!

It's way cheaper than the fallout from unwanted babies. Everybody is better off if pregnancies are intended rather than accidental. See child abuse, prisons, cost of special education, etc. etc. etc.

Age: 15, almost 16. He had just had his 16th birthday. It was the 70's.

I read that article back when it came out, and thanks to you I have now read it again. So well written. I, too, have finished with my smoking.

Just saw the latest episode and it is very good but a bit overwrought as usual. Janet McTeer is a major character, as the mother of the said White Queen. I want to recommend to you another Janet McTeer movie, from 2000, called The Songcatcher. It is set in my mother's area of birth, Appalachia. Also a bit

The White Queen on Starz. New episode tonight! It is based on historical events during the Wars of the Roses in England in the 1400's. I haven't read all comments, so I may not be the only one recommending it. Jeremy Irons' son Max Irons is the male lead (King Edward IV) — very cute and looks like his mother,

Good god, that was fantastic. I have my catz to love on, but Lil Bub is something else. I am envious of the space travel part of Bub's story. All the cats I've known have been from earth!

Were these cheetahs actually born to a stuffed animal? If not, where is their mother and what does she think about their consorting with a dog? Just wondering, thnx.

I purposefully quit in stages. Took years, but I am finally done, for the past 2 years. I don't know how old you are, or how you have woven nicotine into your life. I have never been a coffee drinker, so getting it out of my mornings was something I was able to do a long time ago. For years, I didn't smoke during

So I am 55 years old and I was a freedom fighter in the sexual revolution of the 70's (which is when it actually happened, not the 60's) and I will never tolerate any slut shaming under any circumstances. I'm sure my behavior in those years was casual to say the least. But I would have never, under the influence of

Of course, here where I live (TX) there are also a lot of Mexican calendars. In addition to the big Catholic holy days, there's Sept. 16 and May 5 — one is their Independence Day and the other is commemorating the day they rousted the invading French army in ... 1870's, I think. But I can never remember which is

I'm with you, I've always gotten free ones, too. My friend who gets them from the shelter calls my cats volunteers, or walk-ups. When I need a cat (and sometimes when I don't), one always just shows up at my house and demands to be adopted. I've gotten a couple of what appeared to be pedigreed animals that way. (I

Oh, the tortured bodies of roaches I find when I return from work. Some still kicking a little, but usually in too many pieces to kick. These are the so-called water bugs of central Texas, not the little roachy ones that come in infestations. Water bugs are huge and they come marching in through the big gap under