
Aha! Chalk it up to decades of page-a-day calendars. Eventually all kinds of things sink in.

Yep, sounds like a total drag and as your Jezebel lawyer, I say move out of there if the landlord will not/cannot fix this problem. You deserve better.

Yes, it sounds like whooping cough to me, but since I'm a lawyer not a doctor nobody needs any medical opinions from me! However, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that adults need a vaccination every 10 years, I thought only for tetanus, but the last one I got was also for diptheria and

Incompetent cats! I've known a few, I mean I've had a few of those.

Thanks for info; I should have read it before I put my last comment! I am sorry you have to work on L Day. I know about the different spellings in different corners of the English-speaking world.

I know Thanksgiving is different but I thought the other ones were, too. Why don't I just ask the google machine? Mindless speculation is more fun tonight for some reason. I also think Canadians call Memorial Day something else and have it in the fall instead of May.

You are so industrious! The only thing I did today was go to the convenience store and buy lottery tickets. I say you deserve to eat whatever you want. Come to think of it, I also read the New Yorker and Rolling Stone. And the Austin American-Statesman. But the lottery tickets were my biggest accomplishment.

Just curious as to why you spell it like that, since I am pretty sure Canada has a different day for Labour Day than the American first Monday in September.

How weird is it to be so fucking elderly that I remember this ad in the back of the magazine back in the day. I was 8 in 1966 and I totally remember looking at this kind of ad. omg need a stronger beverage NOW!

I love generic ambien. Been taking ONE ONLY a night for years. I never sleepwalk, always remember the trip to the potty, which is totally uneventful except for the reason it has to happen, of course. My doc says some people do not develop a tolerance, have no side effects and can keep taking it. She's right as

I laughed out loud about J-Lo's intruder/stalker. How I wish all those masturbating men on my lawn would do some landscaping!

The whole upshot of this is that poor women have more unwanted babies. Women with money always have options. The right wingnuts promoting this fuckery are operating ideologically and are utterly in denial about the long-term effects. Kind of like the cultures that want sons over daughters, use sonograms to get an

The answer is you only have to go when at home or in your own hotel room. Sorry but some of us are like that. During the day, at the office, oh no I just cannot. Not gonna go then.

There were 3 coyotes in my yard this morning! Glad I keep my cats inside but I suspect they are lunching on feral kittens in the area. Egads. At least we don't have bears here in central Texas.

Well, women are deeply involved in making this shittery happen. It's the whole weird thing where some/lots of women in patriarchal cultures participate in their own enslavement. Phyllis Schlafly, ferexamps. On a brighter note, it was just announced that Gloria Steinem is getting a Presidential Medal of Freedom!

This can only be a sign from him if she bought the bag AFTER he died, duh! Let me know if you need any further help interpreting signs, OK? I am an old, and a Sign Expert.

Of course it's horrible (sex-selective abortion, which always seems to favor boys, surprise) but it does have consequences, and it doesn't take that long for them to become apparent. NYT had a long article in the business section in March which was about Chinese matchmakers and their ways of turning a profit, but


Ha, that is why I go to Austin to the dentist. From Williamson County. The real question is, what on earth was behind the sudden special session push for the outrageous changes to the abortion law? Nobody seems to know.