

yes, YESSSS.

“how am i supposed to eat my french fries?” with 100% real wage theft from all of our employees!!! shit, wait, that wasn’t supposed to be in the commercial ...

hell fucking yeah, you rock!!

...maybe i just lived & dated in Oregon too long (well and also i date girls), but this is all kinda bizarre to me. i was literally washing a bloody cloth pad in the bathroom yesterday right next to my boyfriend, who gives no fucks. i mean, i remember a few squeamish boys in high school, but... that was high school! i

i know. i feel like i woke up in a parallel universe, when i saw this headline.

omg. i feel like we had VERY parallel senior years - what with breakups and rampant bipolar...



now all you need to work there is the lack of your sense of smell.

so uh, if all of the Chicago ladies were to take a bunch of sharpies/paint/etc to the mirror... sure he can replace it, but worst case, women could make it REALLY FUCKING EXPENSIVE for this piece of shit to keep his gross mirror.

i feel that! i reread all of the suckers about once a year, i’m shameless

wee spoiler alert, she is not gone for good! although it will be a WHILE until you see her again.

would put this in the mouth part of my face SO FAST, and enjoy the side of brain freeze it came with.

you are so adorable and i love you so, Shrayber!!

heh, sadly i don't think anything would get him to join a community where he'd have to read things that aren't about beer.

holy fuck, if that happened to me, i would have whipped my tit out in front of EVERYBODY and taken that fucker out immediately, jesus

that's good at least! it's a hell of an epic story, too. 😁

right? if he joined *i* would be excited!