
...and?!? what happened next?? this is creepy as is, but i bet the details make it a whole lot creepier.

having lived in Louisiana myself, the most unbelievable part of this story is that there was a party... in LA... that didn’t have alcohol at it?!?

hoooooly hell. this needs so many more stars. this actually gave me full body goosebumps.

every year i keep wondering how so many people don’t just buy! a sex toy! on the internet! but nah instead they rig up some macguyver shit... and we get to snicker at the results.

i don’t remember his name, but if you google Austin serial killer, you’ll find a trove of info on the events. i particularly recommend some of the Texas Monthly coverage...

(it comes from my own personal experience, it’s a torture i’d wish on few.)

may they have a perpetually overdrafting bank account that just eats all their money. over and over and over again.

shit, i am a wedding vendor, and a blogger (not about weddings but still). now i have seen some spectacularly bad weddings over the last 5 years, but fuck. badmouthing someone's wedding should be reserved for later, not at the wedding (or silently on Twitter, if you don't know them). I can't imagine how she thought

not gonna lie, it fits my personality pretty well... 😂

ah, nothing like some family drama to really put the fun into a wedding... sometimes, i am very happy that my family's not particularly close and most of them would never attend a wedding of mine.

amen to that. it's particularly sad that most of America doesn't even see that connection...

amen. fuck pepperjack in all of its holes. it makes good cheese turn bad.

similar to a wad, but it’s more dialect-y. not sure about the etymology of wodge but now i have a project...

OMG, Lambert’s, i’d almost forgotten about that chain.

not enough money in the world. i swear, i will never understand people who think the key to culinary success is something akin to “yeah, jizz’ll give it that lively snot flavor that literally no one is looking for, ever.”

THIS!! my mom made her own wedding gown, and i will either get her or a tailor to do mine (we live far apart so the tailor route may just be easier). i plan on trying on ALLLLL the dresses at all the stores, taking pics of my favorites, and then picking up some nice fabric and going nuts with it. i want COLOR, so

that sounds like it’s gonna be SO pretty!!!

apparently what this even is, is you coming into a space speaking about things that aren’t your thing, and immediately thinking everyone should think as you do. which we do not. FEEL FREE TO LEAVE FOREVER.

i would be So Flippin Stoked to arrive at a wedding with a pizza truck!!! this is a bloody BRILLIANT plan. one that i am now thinking of coopting!

thank you!!