dear gods yeah, NO job is worth actual physical violence from people. just no.
dear gods yeah, NO job is worth actual physical violence from people. just no.
wow. that may be the most racist thing i've heard about that didn't involve the n word or actual physical violence. fuuuuuck that lady.
they THREW change at you? you must be so much nicer than me, that would make me homicidal.
i just... i will never understand why customers don't understand that yes, people who work customer service may ALSO have gone to college. or in some cases, have more schooling than the customer ever will. and more brains, for that matter.
not even. the water still tastes... chlorinated. it's heavily treated around here.
i never ever understood it until i moved to Austin, where the water is so treated, it just tastes HORRID. it was buy jugs of spring water, or drink not the water. anywhere else, i drink tap like a normal person. but man, some places the water is BAD.
it is? do tell, i haven't been to Tigard in a loooong time...
oh my god, of course it's some place like Wilsonville (says the girl with the ex who used to teach there). could have been worse - could have been Tigard.
thanks for the lovely explanation!! every time i learn more about my Kanji, the more i love it.
i've also been told it translates to "center" or "centering of the heart" - and i can get down with that too!
yeah, seize the night. those who know me, know that i have the sleep schedule of a vampire and i'm not much of a "frolic in the sunshine" type. hence Carpe Noctem
jesus, so much fail... PICTURE
whoops, forgot the pic. it's the Japanese symbol, it means loyalty.
i uh, i do have a matching tattoo.
damn straight. look, i've lived in the NW, where server wage is pretty decent, yes. it's more than you'd get in most other states (about $8.50/hr when i lived & worked there 5 years ago, i'm sure it's gone up). and NW servers are bizarrely rude (really, it's a thing. a baffling thing). and you know what? YOU STILL…
oh christ. i will be a combo of the art lady all in black, the MAHALO lady, and the lady who still dresses like did when she was 18...
oh christ on toast.
i am from Kentucky originally, i grew up riding horses. i adore horses... a lot. really. but the FIRST thing i would eat would be the my little pony burger. i mean come on! the name alone!!