Sassy Pants

Cricket Chatsworth, at your service.

I was never super certain about how that formula worked — like, the earliest street name you can remember living on? Or the one that you lived on for the majority of your childhood? And is it the first pet that was living in the house with you, or the first pet that was sorta/kinda yours?

Let me introduce myself. Moots-moots Bissett at your service.

I'm Bear Daniel.

We never used human names for our pets, which makes for interesting combos.

I always get those mixed up.

Dear Angie,

I really liked 'All About That Bass' when I first heard it. It was good for grooving on my way to work. And then I actually listened to the lyrics and was put off by how the message was basically, "Your body is great because some boy will like it that way!" Not a fan. My body is great because it is mine and it loves

Meghan Trainor, do you know what a vagina is? Beyoncé and "all those girls" may occasionally show the sides of their mons pubises (pubii?), but I mean, we aren't even seeing labias (labii? labia?) from any of them, much less their actual vagianas... But someone please correct me if there's been a blatant musical

"...I inspired some leniency in what people accept..."

I was wrong. I generalized the commenters and that's what I get. Somebody listened to you about HS.

I am hearing you on all this Howard stuff (because we actually listen to him and know what we are talking about) I have a feeling that we are not going to get any point across here. But at least we tried.

I know. I mean, i would always keep that in the back of mind and probably hold some kind of grudge. Or sweetly say...hey, we missed you at the party-i thought i got an RSVP that you would be attending but maybe i was wrong? I do actually think the parents were pretty rude and inconsiderate not to make a phone call

I know! Unfortunately, they are part of the fundies that think Catholics are just as bad as Satan, alcohol, dancing, pants on women, atheists.


YES. I had a huge crush on him since the first time I saw him in a history book when I was like, 10.

Thanks! I will check it out. Also, definitely listen to Marc Maron's podcast, especially if you're a comedy nerd. He really gets people to reveal incredibly personal stuff as well. My mind is always blown after listening to his episodes. The Louis CK one and the Robin Williams one are two of my favorites, but he's

Thank you for this! I couldn't think of a hot olden-days guy who had progressive views on women. Many of these olden-day guys are physically sexy, but I would prefer to bone someone who isn't a sexist.

I wrote a chapter in my dissertation that in my head I titled the "Frederick Douglass Is So Hot" chapter.