
The Johnson Amendment is meant to prevent exactly that. Churches are tax-exempt entities. In order to maintain that status, they are required to stay out of politics.

While I know this is often the case, in the demographics info I’ve seen so far it’s been less of a needle pusher than I’d have expected it to be.

Am I missing something, or does the writer really not say what state it is she’s talking about?

Psychiatric care actually IS medical care.

Really, children should be kept in their own designated areas until they’re IDK, 12-13? I will be forever traumatized by a Sunday brunch at which I was trying to eat my way through the hangover, because that’s what brunch is for. Unfortunately, it was impossible, because of a gaggle of kids running around the

I don’t think colleges do necessarily do criminal background checks. In any case, an offense that was handled on campus, rather than by outside law enforcement, wouldn’t show up on a criminal check. Nor would a student have been convicted of a crime, so he or she could legitimately answer no to any application

This is pretty tangential, but a real pet peeve of mine. When did the word curvy become synonymous with, for lack of a better word, fat? I’m pretty average sized, but definitely curvy, in an hourglassy kind of a way. I’ve been much fatter, and a bit thinner, at different times, but my shape is always the same. From

That SEC basic is disturbingly right on. At least their homogeneity makes them easier to avoid.

The Duggars are awful, unquestionably shitty parents, with creepy, super fucked up religious beliefs. But it seems problematic to me for us to say we understand Jessa Duggar’s subjective experience better than she does, or that we’re so sure of what that experience was that we know she’s being dishonest about it now.

Sadly, I must confess, I totally know what he means about those things that are like door chains, but aren’t actually made out of chains. They’re made of those bar things, and I don’t know what to call them either.

I find that if I’m not amongst the very first people boarding, my bag is always checked at the gate. Problem solved.

What charges could possibly be filed? They don’t have any legal obligation to stay in touch with family members or whoever.

Maybe it's something to do with my being an old, but I've never come across a guy who had any issue with giving oral sex. The mockery is that oral just isn't the best way for me to get off. At all. So he's down there doing his thing, which, I mean, is nice and all, but I'm mostly wondering when we can move on along to

Because tonight I'm apparently totally that person, I have to mention that it turns out the hispanic woman in the bunker did in fact learn English. She just pretends not to know it.

You can't possibly be serious.

Editor, anywhere? There are so many weird grammatical errors in this piece I could barely pay attention to the content. "Myriad of," was especially annoying.

Chloe Sevigny was cool before Jennifer Lawrence could read.

I really don't know if I ever want to live with another human person again. My future special man or lady friend can live next door, upstairs, across the street, whatever. Just probably not with me.
