
Well, I thought it was dumb because his logic so easily translates to professional sports—this is a billion dollar industry where people go sit and watch people play games they could just play themselves!?!?! There’s nothing really new or clever or insightful or funny about making that statement regarding video games.

Looks like World of Warcraft on its highest graphics settings.

What is with all the cat hate on io9 today! THOSE PAWPRINTS ARE ADORBS

Yeah I’ve come to this way of thinking because the Red God and Valeryia are both clearly assholes, so if the Others exist to oppose one or both, they probably have a good damn reason. I’ve read a theory somewhere the wall may have been erected to keep Men out of the True North, not to keep the white walkers out of the

I think the white walkers are either Children or First men who were wronged by the ancestors of Valeryia, and did this to themselves as their only way of fighting back.

More and more convinced of this. My other “GRRM is a bad storyteller/troll” theory is that the reason book 6 is delyaed forever is that he has no intention of writing any more books. Its just a reasonable trillogy, two meandering side plot compliations, and then we’re done. Jon Snow isn’t coming back because there’s

Actually, the creeper Quiverfull church basically requires constant sexual availability and a even more creepier highly specific set of guidelines for how a woman should keep herself attractive. TO her husband, of course.

It would be cool if we are doing a prequel and seeing things as a vault that opened on schedule would see. The “control” vaults, the ones that did what the were supposed to do, were to open 20 years after the war. That would make the prequel infant in his early 20s, probably a good match for the protagonist. Might

Sure, but thats my point. The way the wasteland societies are portrayed, you’d think the war was only a couple decades ago. The war was 200 years ago. Are the people living in washington DC living in dilapadated squalor because they figure what’s the point of rebuilding since the British burned the city in 1812?

I agree—they let the timeline get too far from the war for the decrepit state of everything to make sense. 200+ years is a looong time. Even if it took 100 years for the radiation in these areas to cool enough to move back in, the inhabited areas should all be new construction. The time from the war to Fallout 4 is

Yeah to me it looks like a deliberate choice to follow the cartoon aesthetic of the original Fallout

Look at the casting doc above—it seems that Vault 111 preserved its residents cryogenicaly. Fallout NV took place like 200 years after the war, so we are many generation removed now from the people who lived in 2077, excepting those preserved through some odd tech solution.

Interesting! That would explain the Character narration above, which implies this Vault Dweller was alive when the bombs flew. I wondered if Fallout 4 were happening way closer to the war, a prequel to all the other games, but I bet cryogenics and the game happening post New Vegas is more likely.

Mine just loaded, I’m guessing heavy traffic.

The nuke sure missed a lot of downtown boston.

I'm sure they are going to handle it like they handled Ed Norton Hulk, which in the credits to MCU hulk, thay vaugely put the 2003 Ang Lee movie in continuity, or at least, the rough gist of it.

Well, not everything in the universe. Isolated subatomic particles, photons, force and charge carriers arent chemicals. Idk if really exotic states of matter like neutronium could reasonably be called chemicals, either.

Similar to what I told the looting guy: ICBMs are 30 minuted from boost to impact, so good luck clearing the 50 megaton blast radius (several mi radius for the fireball alone, figure 5-10x that radius dead shortly after impact from the blast wave + radiation) before armgeddon. no time to get anywhere close to out of

ICBMs don't leave a lot of pillaging time.

I assume Turner was still thinking nuclear Armageddon here, so you'd play this when the incoming Soviet/Chinese missiles were 1 minute from impact, and all across America you'd be snuggled up with your loved ones on the couch waiting for the final crescendo to follow the end of that song.