
Once we detect patterns in the signal that couldn’t possibly be caused by natural sources, such as a stream of prime numbers.

I assume he is using samples or cut ends that would be wasted anyway. He said the large tube was used for race car driveshafts so unless it’s a really short race car, it’s a drop off the real piece.

Mr Zippy Go Fast

As a doctor, reading your post, I don’t get the sense you actually know what you’re talking about. There’s a lot of “well bad stuff happens commonly, this is no different” in your post. Unfortunately, you can’t just speak in broadly general terms and then apply it to a very specific situation such as this.

OK, time out. Uncanny valley as wikipedia expounds “is a hypothesis in the field of aesthetics which holds that when features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural beings, it causes a response of revulsion among some observers.”

1. Your idea of “natural” is arbitrary.

The other day, I talked my wife out of buying chips that were branded as having no GMO’s. I told her, because they lack the gene’s to ward off pests they are required to use more pesticides and thus may have more chemicals applied to them than GMO crops. A win is a win :)

How did Civil War tarnish Agent Carter? Because she died or because Cap macked on her niece?

Shouldn’t all the Sokovian deaths also be on his hands? I thought that was the point of Civil War...

Yes, but will it be a delicious pile of goo when drizzled with butter?

My thoughts on Mel. 1) We know that she has legit magic as evidenced by her glamour from last week. 2) That magic is pretty damn potent. 3) She was having a crisis of faith, but when she got going she started to be more earnest in her words. 4) The key moment was when she said “Please”, she gave in to her god’s power

Don’t forget that we have banned the testing of H5N1. Before it stopped we had been making some new discoveries in transmission. China has no such ban. We have literally tied the hands of our best virologists.

Congratulations! You’ve discovered a problematic fave. You can both like something and be critical of it.

Was there, not nearly as fun as they make it out to be. Tidi is the worst

Where are you going to get the minerals if you’re on Mars? Out of the soil!

Wow, way to totally ignore why people were saying that it was a “damned if they do damned if they don’t”. Seriously, not one mention of the actual argument that these people were making.

It’s a re-event!

So, and I’m basing this on the comments here, it’s totally okay that the episode sucked, made no sense, cheapens the brand, and made everyone inherently dumber for watching it, get to see an image from a different but equally bad show briefly flashed on the screen?