
absolutley? Certainly the basic functions needed to make a turing complete machine are fundimental units of problem solving within this universe. Representation (base 10, the way we write algebra and calculus) is going to be civ-specific, but like, 2 groups of two things counted together are four things, that seems

We’re currently not doing any active SETI programs, but yes, this is what we would do if we were trying to contact other aliens, not just listen. We did sort of do this once, with the Voyager Golden Record, in that we tried to encode the information needed to figure out playback using a set of universal constants and

...Can you add some? I’m honestly asking, I would like to know the answer, and your assumption that everyone who went to highschool knows whatever you are hinting at is incorrect, in that I at least, don’t. But would like to, as I have a curious mind.

I also, for what its worth, think it is more productive to explain

Full Frontal is going to be Fitz’s vigilante name.

eyeroll. Speed is a factor; the rate of warming now is doing in decades what happened over millenia as the ice age ended. If you get down from the top floor of the empire state building by taking the stairs, you’ll have a better time than if you jumped off the roof.

And no, no one is equating climate change to murder.

This seems like the right time to bring up the etymology of the word “vagina”:

Interestingly, this is the actual dillema with treating cancer. Killing bacteria selectively is relatively easy, bacteria are very different from you. Killing cancer selectively is really really hard, because cancer is you with a tiny tweak. This is why chemo and radiation is so awful, has such awful side effects, and

Yeah, I think this is coming down to personal injury lawsuits. I agree she put people at risk, but its hard to point to what laws she broke that will have jail time associated. Unless she knowingly defrauded investors, but with start up tech that’d be really hard to prove, even if true.

No, she’s a liar. There is a difference between making mistakes, and using tests that give random results. There is a difference between having a new tech, and secretly sending out your samples to be tested by other companies using more established methods. Theranos wasn’t threatening anyone with anything, it was


Westeros is huge, but the show ignores travel times. Sometimes you can get from Kings landing to the neck in three days, sometimes it takes six months to get from winterfell to the vale (but then 2 days back to the wall).

I wonder if this is a case of editorial staff writing the headline later, but you are absoultely right, the headline here is clearly wrong. If the sounds were in the uncanney valley people would note they are close to realistic, but just off enough to be unsettling, and presumably easy to ID as false.

They folded io9 into gizmodo a while ago, so its not actually cross-posting, just a single feed now.

The co2 content increas in the atmosphere is what we know absoulutely to be true; the gobal warming and the anthropogenic origin are the hypothesis.

Are you kidding? The atmospheric CO2 increase is the original observation that lead to the global warming worries, and the anthropogenic origin hypothesis.

You can turn CO2 back into coal at great energetic cost, but that’s not what they’re doing here. They’re forming carbonate minerals.

No, they’re carbonate minerals. it turns them into limestone. We _can_ turn CO2 back into burnable carbon, but entropy demands that process takes more energy then you got out of it in the first place. So in that case, why not just use all that energy to directly do whatever you want instead of re making coal to burn?

He makes a good antagonist for Wakanda!

Could this be the same as what we now call “dark energy,” the inflationary force we know nothing about but is causing the universe to move apart instead of collapse?

Pardon? Plenty of shit evolves without human intervention. Our food crops and domestic animals are strongly adapted with traits that are only useful if they’re being raised for food by humans. The vast majority of citrons would not be lucious fruit trees suceptible to disease. The vast majority of grains would be low