
The non rich don’t have the money or incentive to convert their cars, not right now anyway. Only the rich do, thus the conversions will be limited to the rich until something changes socially.

The current draft of the tax credit requires the car be made in the United States at a union plant to get the full 12,500 credit.

Good luck, and don’t fuck it up.

Discontinue flyovers. That’s dictator strongman bullshit, and should not happen in this country. 

putting civilians in danger because guys are well trained is about the dumbest thing ive heard. literally zero reason to do this.

Cables are always run across stadiums for the skycam.

Most of these Jalopnik bloggers (very few could be considered writers) barely pay attention to the articles they cover, so this is a consistent theme of writing for them.

The quote says (emphasis mine):

Because that would be all 12 spots.

You have to go out of your way to photograph a vehicle so poorly.

Much of what makes a care reliable or not has a lot to do with the types of people who buy them. Cheap “disposable” cars tend to be purchased by those who couldn’t give a damn about maintenance, often driving them into the ground and then complaining the car was a POS. I’ve owned a few of those “disposable” cars over

the worst part is, it’s right there if you click the link ...

Every resident of Pebble Beach just got a push notification. 

I’ve always preferred the ‘68 because of the round lights.

So you never got it running then. /s

I read the title as “Heavy Raisins” and boy was I disappointed when I got a perfectly reasonable and informative story with terrific pictures. 

A lot of folks can’t afford $5000 upfront on a potentially unreliable beater, my dude.

Even if the driver is using whatever indicators their vehicle has, in personal experience, it’s still a gamble on which way they’re going to turn.