
We get them whether we want them or not. At least in this, unlike so many others, it would have actually been useful.

Mid-range commuter special sat for 22 years and “started right up”? Yeah, nah, that’s not how it works, and I don’t care how high you were when you typed it out. At two grand it might be worth a gamble. ND at this price.

As someone who understands the gist of what you’re going for here, but who has never seen the series, it would have been useful to have images of each “stage” to show the differences between them and the tribute up top.

Not only tax laws, but a whole lot of looking-the-other-way on oversight as well. After all, self-regulated industries are the way to go as long as you don’t care too much about the future, the environment, or the body count—none of which bother the “fuck you, I got mine” crowd at all.

As long as the potential lawsuits cost less than manufacturing the thing to not be hazardous, yes. Besides, it’s not like it’s their blood.

My pleasure. That 90's teal was too sweet to not share, right. ;)

NP but only if the PPI comes back clean on the ABC. Judging from the pics, it doesn’t seem like it’s going to.

I’d be happy to buy a new car, but no manufacturer makes one with the features I want and that both my current vehicles already have. Until they do they’ll just have to look for other customers. (For article tie-in, my fleet is at 17.5—1999 and 2014.)

Basically this with white hood stripes and no window separator (Malibu, not the 300/Chevelle). Sold it because I wasn’t as good at wrenching at the time as I needed to be to keep up with it. And, well, I was at that (somewhat extended) stage of life where I was too dumb to know the value of things or think much about

What we’re really teaching AI here is that we underestimate its capabilities when it gives “stupid answers.” It hasn’t learned how to use that information yet... but it will.

Odd that the focus is on the engine only with zero mention of the transmission, though the article does seem to use “powertrain” and “engine” interchangeably.

Trying to figure out a use-case for this thing that isn’t look-at-me pavement princess and coming up blank. Upgrading the mill was a waste of money since the only dirt it’s gonna see is what sticks to the sides after it goes through puddles in a mall’s parking lot and you don’t need grunt to go over speed bumps at

Not disagreeing that the AM bands, or the ability to receive them, are important. Am pointing out that making them optional in new-car radios isn’t erasing the AM radio industry from existence as this article claims in this breathless and overly dramatic... “prose,” for lack of a better term:

Making AM radios optional in newer cars doesn’t remove them from older cars, doesn’t prevent buyers from installing them if they want, doesn’t remove every receiver and radio that already exists, and does nothing to eliminate AM broadcasters, studios, equipment, or audiences.

This is due in part to the overwhelming R contingent in TX, in part due to the DNC not throwing a lot of interest in or support to the TX Senate races, and in part due to the ding-dongs the Dems usually toss up as candidates since they figure it’s a losing proposition anyway.

Hood: Leave it black and shine it up. No sense in investing too much time or money in something that’s going to be replaced soon anyway.

Remember that part at the beginning of The Dead Zone where John has his huge accident on his way home after the carnival? And that part of Hot Rod when the kids were playing hide and seek in the dark and they found each other? Any time I’m driving up a hill I can’t see over or around a right-hand curve I can’t see

Not gonna lie, if I were in the market for this specific truck and it were priced around two grand, I’d seriously consider it. It’s got all the chrome and glass and the body looks to be in pretty good shape other than the curious starboard scabbing.

That’s one of the prettiest undercarriages I think I’ve ever seen.