
Seeing the giant blasted in faces of old white men on sacred Native American land is probably a more accurate history lesson than some schools in Texas, even if the viewer doesn’t understand the metaphor.

Not a slide show?

LMAO. Reminds me of when Dave Letterman did a Top Ten of names for the Rolling Stones tour and one was “The Rolling Stones Live Plus Keith Richards.”

How will we distinguish yours from all the other Trump statues?

Safety blankets are for pussys bro. My flat bill and Oakleys will protect me from metal shards good enough.

Listen, Britain fired the first missile with Cumberbatch playing Americans, if Stone is our mutually assured accent destruction I am fine with that.

gets handed the keys to a vehicle as they walk out the door

Welders can make a ton of money; some of the welders in my area charge up to $200 / hour...learn how to do it in high school, get certified when you turn 18, and you’d be rolling in money by your mid-20's.

“...with my trailer...” Steer into the skid. You’ve done it before..Let us know how it goes.

Eric? You mean State Informant #1? The rats will abandon ship quicker than you can imagine. First one off gets the best deal.

uhhh, dat ass tho

I drive until the car runs out. Then I pop the trunk, grab a plastic bag of gas, pour it into the tank/on my fender/on the ground, then drive to the nearest gas station. Easy.

ATM - Automatic Teller Machine machine

How sweet it is to be told of “the slime mold’s point of view,” and to be told to trust it.

Right now, the sheriff’s office has reported to FOX 4 KC that it appears the driver was simply going too fast and collided with a tree.

Let’s get it out of the way now... this is THE worst bumper sticker, bar none:


So what?

There’s a 60+ year old 150 lb dude RIGHT there.”