Whether it is or isn’t, that’s my new head-canon.
Whether it is or isn’t, that’s my new head-canon.
I mean, I think we can all agree what the world needs most right now is Showgirls in a convent.
I’m sorry, that link to Trump’s blog was wrong. Here is the correct link:
I once yelled out “Play Free Bird!” at a Prince show. Prince stopped the show and a few guys from The New Power Generation took me out back and stomped a mudhole in my ass. But Prince being Prince, he played the song. I heard it was good and pretty faithful to the original.
If we’ve learned anything, America is a nation that respects young and attractive women, and have a profound understanding of boundaries and appropriate behavior. I’m sure it will all work out splendidly, and the focus will remain on her work, and not her appearance.
How to take a shot in the nuts, apparently
You know, comments like this is what makes The Root one of the best sites online. I mean, look at the breadth of knowledge you packed into two paragraphs, and it’s more than a fucking ex-senator knows.
You might be surprised at how many straight up sociopathic assholes work for charities (and churches and hospitals, etc).
Handing out food to “po’ black folks” probably reinforced every part of her superiority complex.
His acting wasn’t bad at all. He didn’t display emotion because one of the points of the film is that Deckard is behaving more like a machine than the robots he’s hunting.
The plane was fresh off of an 18-year restoration and may never fly again.
pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.
I think that may be a facial piercing.
Obviously this is anecdotal, which makes it far less valuable, but I can say personally that I used to get headaches every single day from staring at a computer screen all day and they stopped once I started wearing blue light glasses. I’ve gotten so used to wearing them at this point that my eyes immediately feel…
I gotta get out of these comments and seek Jesus. Or at least a blunt.
I almost prefer to let them stall the car just to get that unknown fear out of their system.
He looks like he’s both a sailor and a ballet dancer and terrible at both
The curriculum I’m developing for abstinence-only sex-ed is just printing off this photo and holding it up until the class gets it.