More fake whataboutism from a Nazi sympathizer. I know, I know, racists hate to be called “racist”, and Nazis hate to be called “Nazi” – apparently they all can’t handle being yelled at.
More fake whataboutism from a Nazi sympathizer. I know, I know, racists hate to be called “racist”, and Nazis hate to be called “Nazi” – apparently they all can’t handle being yelled at.
Make America Great Again: Kill Yourself.
Don’t lump the faggots and chimps in with these cousin-fuckers! Also, fuck you.
I’m going to tweet @ her with a link to this post so you can get it, missy
Just throwing out an idea here, but it’s very possible that the car was 10+ years old when it hit 22k and they did the belt due to age instead of miles.
His obituary for Richard Nixon remains a classic:
It’s actually plagiarized from fantasy pinup artist Frank Frazetta. The title is “Death Dealer VI,” and the original sold for $1.8 million in 2018. Buy your prints here!
For those wondering, “invented” colors are known in the industry as lab colors. These are colors (usually vibrant colors like neons and fluorescents) that cannot be created using percentages of cyan, yellow, magenta and black but must be specially mixed using other processes.
Nope. I made the mistake of clicking on the last of these videos posted by Jalopnik, and my YouTube suggestions were crammed with their stupid 1ST WASH IN 27 YEARS!!! or 1ST WASH IN 44 YEARS!!! videos for a goddamn week.
Try explaining that to your insurance! Ahh, ya I got rear ended by an airplane yesterday. Lay of the LDS buddy, click.
Don’t self-limit! Do both.
Good point. Hopefully with his diet he doesn’t have long for this world. Also hopefully Letitia James comes for him and his family with the quickness.
The thing to remember about Plaza is that while she may seem sarcastic and aloof, she’s more afraid of you than you are of her.
The real dangerr is not Trump’s incompetent version of an attempted coup, it is when the competent fascist inevitably follows in his footsteps. If you crush the incompetent fascists quickly, the competent ones always scuttle out of the darkness and learn from the mistakes made. That is the danger, and it is one not…
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that you’re not going to get a grand for those wheels and tires.