
I’m sure some Millennial or GenZer will jump in to say that Rush and The Police already sucked without this modification. I’m  just here as a GenXer to tell them that they are wrong.

Did you have to say ‘crusty’?

I will ask this question again, why is this non-car person writing on a car focused website?

I can’t think of a maintenance item that’s more basic.

Must be nice to live somewhere with a single pollen season.

preach. It has always amazed me how the GOP has figured out how to message like this even when they’re fucking over their own constituents and getting them to vote against their own self-interests. They basically have them trained to jump and bark at the word “DEMOCRAT” or “SOCIALIST” instinctively. Good luck trying

Bring A Trailer”, because “Launder Money” would have been obvious.

I’ve been cutting my own hair for years, which explains why people mistake me for George Clooney all the time.

Man, that book is something else. It’s... it’s a despicable thing, for real. It should not be a book. It’s crazy as hell that it wasn’t a blog. Like, it is madness that so many editors, publishers, distributors, and booksellers agreed that it was a thing that should exist as a physical object to sell to people for

Team No One. Not one. No masks, no social distancing, that turtleneck, that TI-like monologue, the whole damn mixed message of the restaurant, annoying brunch twitter,  and why would I want to watch someone with a heavy filter and a dizzy stars halo chewing with a mouf full of food?

I hate to be the one to tell you this, since you’re claiming to be older than 14 I can’t believe I’m the first one to do it, but your likes and preferences are not universal and, in fact, you are not center of the universe.

There’s always a tweet:

The Trump Administration: The Washington Generals of politics.

Whenever they get on Twitter or in front of a camera it’s “there was fraud. So much fraud. We have evidence. The best evidence. All the evidence.”

If a person sees that expression and does not immediate say “I got someplace else I need to be” they deserve whatever comes their way.

 You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

Wait, are you saying Lindsey Graham would act in an unethical and possibly criminal way? I do declare...I’m feeling a might dizzy...someone please assist me to that lovely divan yonder...Rafael, be a dear and bring me a tall make them just how I like...and perhaps you could fan me for just a little

Maybe they had family that was killed at Cars and Coffee? 

I hath arrived to fix thine cable box.