Fuck, son. Gen X too. Saving is something only Boomers got to do.
Fuck, son. Gen X too. Saving is something only Boomers got to do.
We put an uneducated moronic reality show star and compulsive liar in charge and expected wise leadership, then were so stupid we almost did it again. Some of us are even so stupid they are actively trying to help him steal the election. It’s almost like putting our faith in terrible and stupid people has a downside,…
Counterpoint: It’s one of the funnest movies ever made.
COVID 10 and ain’t-wearing-no-mask-ism are only the pebble for an avalanche the Texas GOP have long built.
It is a life shortening, pounds adding concoction that you will swoon for.
Bruh, I had to buy mine a computer because “i’m like boy stop touching my shit.”
Ask your doctor if Stellantis is right for you. Side effects may include gas with oily discharge, premature oxidization and electrical dysfunction.
A parking lot between a porn shop and a crematorium is the perfect place for them to fuck off and die.
Waugh!/ACK! 2024
I still can’t believe the ego it takes to run in an election with no plan, no ideas, no reason except to sate their own ego.
Rabid fans with guns, who already tried to kidnap a governor, who believe their opponents are inhuman lizard people that drink the blood of children. Nothing to worry about that combination of factors.
I mean, pretty much everybody assumed McDonald would try that, and that he will demand recounts, sue where he can, and be dragged kicking and screaming from the White House. Hell, even if he wins he’ll probably demand recounts because his vanity demands a bigger margin.
Bernie is great and all. Currently I don't care to hear his input or a recap on his previous input. I don't care to hear about Hillary Clinton's thoughts either.
Let’s hope he and Mel take Hitler and Eva’s way out.
It looks like it got too close to a hot lamp.
“CSWs (chunky station wagons)“
Its a Harley, it'll be a $3k ebike priced at $6k.
Prior to Covid, I was getting ready to spend $2000-4500 for a nice level 3 ebike for commuting. I’ve had a chance to ride most of the offerings in this price range. Here are the reasons this thing is a mess:
My New-To-Me Porsche Boxster