But on the same hand, Aniston’s initial plea also reveals that celebrities like her watch far too much MSNBC, in turn, morphing average rom-com stars like her into bona fide heroes in their imagined “resistance.”
But on the same hand, Aniston’s initial plea also reveals that celebrities like her watch far too much MSNBC, in turn, morphing average rom-com stars like her into bona fide heroes in their imagined “resistance.”
I’m being optimistic here in Texas, and if it doesn’t turn this election it will in the future. When Texas goes blue, whenever that may happen, the presidential election will be effectively over right then and there.
The sad thing is i know who you’re talking about...and met that asshole way too many times to be specific.
As likely the only owner of a BMW 850 that posts here. This is CP. I would offer 15K Tops and only because of the 6 Speed Manual, 163K puts it into how much maintenance has been done and how much deferred maintenance has yet to be paid for. How many owners has this passed thru that said, to expensive to fix.
The only difference between this trailer park owner and Trump is that one has more money, better PR, and somehow got elected President.
Offering financial incentives for voting is absolutely illegal.
I don’t think the Excalibur counts under your prescribed rules. Those lenses were designed in a foreign country, for a foreign vehicle, that was sold in the US as an import. If an American cart built for a foreign market with amber lenses doesn’t count, than neither should the foreign part on an American car.
You have to come from money to “see the fiscal benefits of some of the Republican policies.”
In fairness to Rudy, 15 isn’t too old for him. His 20-year-old director of communications (pictured above in article), Christianné Allen was 16 when she started accepting positions in Trump’s orbit and the “conservative” movement. The Instagram personality and Liberty University Online enrollee (both GED and…
Yes, I too find it odd that a human could be a fan of both a book series and a musician. Most of the humans I know would consider that a clear conflict of interest and would eliminate one of the fandoms from their life.
Reasonable people can disagree about politics but Trump is different. It is one thing for someone to be misguided into voting for for a vanilla Republican like John Mccain or Mitt Romney, but Trump is and was plainly incompetant, unqualified, and openly corrupt. There is no reason to vote for him unless his cruelty…
Who we vote for indicates who we are as people.
too bad he didnt die.
I think I said it somewhere else, but one advantage of voting early is that there is literally zero reason to watch this stuff now.
That says it all really. They think comparisons to the nicest man who ever lived is bad. I literally cannot say anything more then that. It speaks for itself.
The least she could do is pass some of her husband’s pics to Dan as a token of gratitude and to honor his spirit.
The advice to WIDOW is one of the best bits of advice I’ve seen given to anybody.