
I mean, sadly, on some level, it’s got to be an absolute blast, yeah? If you have no morals, no sense of obligation for good governance, if you hate government, despise even your own constituents, and all you’re there for is to own the libs and make as much money as possible for yourself, this has to be the time of

“South Carolinians do not appreciate Harrison putting himself above others,” Graham continued,

No forgiveness for using Arial and Century Gothic on interior switchgear. Why!! Send that designer into the corner.   These fonts are knock-offs of other fonts, and it’s never okay to use them.

Toyotathon begins next month. May God have mercy on our souls.

David Tracy with the sensible suggestion. Has the world gone ma- oh...yeah.

What an unbelievably ugly car. I mean... it’s like someone sought out to design the ugliest car possible.

That kid ain’t ready for prison. I hope the hobby racism was fulfilling.

My timeline went bananas when he tweeted that mess about stopping COVID talks and I kept telling people to calm down because he would backpedal within a day or two because Trump is a punk.

Out of curiosity, in what ways would that be different than how the Trump administration usually conducts business?

Bingo. The man used to be a radio host, he knows how to get the soundbites to keep his base happy. Hopefully it falls flat with any undecided voters that may be watching 

A leader who leads would have gotten it in February. #DollarShortDonny

I know that folks will say that Trump has the “finest breast milks” of medical care but Unca Herman Cain had long money and could afford the finest health care, too and look how that worked out for him and he stayed in the hospital the entire time and wasn’t running around DC filming promos for the last season of The

I don’t know if there is a word for the shock, but the phenomena you are responding to is a temporal illusion known as the kappa effect.

Don’t be afraid of Covid.

LOL yeah sadly, Biden doesn’t have Trump’s firsthand experience with Covid-19 (brought on by his own careless stupidity), instead Biden has empathy, unlike President Fucking J. Moron. I hope he suffered just a little in the hospital.


Just gonna leave this here...