
The new reports are saying he was on supplemental oxygen before being taken to Walter Reed. They also note that Trump is highly hospital-phobic, so he must have the ‘rona BAD if he agreed to go.

I’ll believe it when I’m pissing on his grave.

herman cain was double D DEAD in two short weeks

If Biden bites it, it just accelerates the President Harris timeline.

Thank you for the correction. Good to know that in Illinois you can buy a weapon created for killing human beings but not a beer.  Nice!

kill yourself. stop delaying. you know you want to. think of all the good it will do, you being dead.

I have seen colickly babies read a room better.

Prepare to Qualify

Coke. Blame this squarely on cocaine and meth.

It drives me bonkers. “That’s not who I am.” YES IT IS. YOU SAID IT.

Tell your parents that Trump interferes with small businesses by not paying them for work done.

I am a dyed in the wool liberal. I believe in gun control and universal background checks. I’ve donated 10% of every paycheck this year to democratic candidates, Biden, Planned Parenthood and Greenpeace. 

He’s right that this is Good vs. Evil.

Whoa there. This is about division of property/earnings during the marriage, in which 2 people contribute to the family unit. Not about sex. You’re pretty close to sounding like a men’s rights lawyer.

“Who’s a dirty commoner?

Despite our relentless branding, the US is a Republic and not pure democracy. 

McConnell has always been the Palpatine to Trump’s Jar Jar Binks.

Tweets do nothing.

 He’s just making it easy for us to size his handcuffs.