As a Spurs fan who at separate times has absolutely hated and loved Robert Horry, I'm a little surprised that he isn't seen in the background of some photos of historical events, like in the background when Reagan was shot or some shit.
As a Spurs fan who at separate times has absolutely hated and loved Robert Horry, I'm a little surprised that he isn't seen in the background of some photos of historical events, like in the background when Reagan was shot or some shit.
I will concede that wearing crocs oughta be a crime, but until that great day these cops can fuck right off.
Senate seats can’t be gerrymandered.
Americans are a different species, man.- The World. :)
Yeah, but if Biden is elected there will be rioting in the streets.
“I’m here to vote.”
Dear Andrea Natale,
This is well thought out and written, but it doesn’t fit my boogeyman narrative that Californians aren’t really people, just straw men that I can project my fears and prejudices onto so that I can immediately dismiss their pain and misfortune as something they deserve to have happen to them because I would rather not…
“I’ll be slashing the fleet further whe..... Oh look! A Holy Grail Jeep Canhardly with the optional 7 speed manual gearbox with twin reverse gears, wood grain trim, rare puce colour and it only needs new front running gear, wheels all round, new head gasket, piston rebore, new sump and complete oil change after…
The good news:
So what you’re saying here is that it is my patriotic duty to the supply chain to purchase a kegerator. On it.
No President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho?
The temper of the steel is probably ruined.
The small rivers of molten aluminum support that theory.
So I wrote a rage post over at Oppo.
hey just wanted to say i love you jason and also, subsequently, fuck the haters·
i updated my bookmark to
Hey guys,
Thinking this will end makes you 2020's version of an optimist.