
Margaret Cho was funny once—her first several comedy specials were among the funniest I’d seen. Sadly, we’re at least a decade past the point where Cho made any real pretense that she was a comedian with sharp observations about prejudice against Asians and LGBT folk. She’s now just a full-time angry person who rants a

‘why the hell Norm MacDonald keeps getting work.’

“In a sworn deposition this week, O.J. Simpsons claimed that he never beat, choked, or hit his ex-wife with a closed or open fist. Luckily for O.J., lawyers forgot to ask if he had ever cut her head off.”

Lena’s tweets are asinine, navel gazing, preposterous virtue signalling gunk. That’s probably why Norm was having fun mocking her. All is right in the world.

She was incredibly stupid to think this wouldn’t come out. Even if the accusations were blackmail she should have known MeToo detractors would find it.

They should just write about it. They’re responsible for reporting what happened, not how people choose to use it. Victims can be abusers and abusers can be victims. That is the no-spin, messy reality.

“Riley asserts that Stallworth and his colleagues in the FBI’s Counter Intelligence Office spent far more time trying to bring down black radical groups than they ever did screwing with the KKK.’

I’m really into this new trend of the alt-right putting themselves in situations where they know everybody hates them, begging to get beaten up, and then getting beaten up. They get to feel like victims and the rest of the world gets to enjoy them getting beaten up and laugh at them for thinking they look like victims.

A lumpy chinstrap getting his ass handed to him by an old man isn’t political violence.

He was free to express himself. And he was free to get his ass kicked. The system still works. 

Getting your ass kicked by Mike Ness, apparently.

This comparison doesn’t seem fair. Without looking it up, I’m going to assume Haley Joel Osment has more career playoff wins.

There was one game awhile ago I remember watching where Ryan REALLY fucking shined and showed how he could just dismabtle . I can’t remember exactly when it was, but I took note because it was against the fucking Patriots, but by the middle of the 3rd quarter it was like 28-3 Falcons and Ryan was just destroying the

I like the idea that Eli actually does not know who the best player on the team he is playing week 1 actually is.

I always enjoy it when people pretend like they didn’t like Dane Cook at the time. You did. You did.

Personally, it makes Hardwick radioactive for me. I used to think of him as one of my kind (nerds) who made good in the industry, a success story.

Shout out to the Hearst family for smearing Chloe Dykstra and anyone else who actually spoke up about this, never letting us forget that whole family has always been horrible.

It’s not like “excitable white nerd” is something you can find just anywhere, though.

adding insult to injury (against Dykestra and any women in his life) is that Hardwick is just a bland, enthusiastic, and supremely boring person who somehow parleyed that into a job. he’s not worth the effort to defend. my heart goes out to Chloe who has to see her abuser’s name splashed over every single headline for

It’s a shame that people had to choose their ethics over their paycheck. Sure, AMC is within its legal rights to hire and keep on whoever it wants, but it’s going to be ugly PR-wise. Personally, it makes Hardwick radioactive for me. I used to think of him as one of my kind (nerds) who made good in the industry, a