
Far be it from me to tell you how you’re supposed to feel or react to this, but he didn’t do anything, so he really doesn’t owe anyone an apology. And he literally spent the latter half of that story talking about how awful it was, which sounds a lot like regret to me.

Ehhhh I think we have to give the Marlins that honor

Yeah, DNA tests are like the physical world’s version of “get your quiz results by giving us access to your Facebook account.”

It is categorically dumb, and not because it doesn’t pin down some scientific concept correctly or with enough depth, but because it’s gratuitously inscrutable, nothing that happens has any bearing on any larger theme, nothing is done in service of any distinctive aesthetic... it’s a sloppy hodge-podge of nebulous

Hey, this is Jordan, we do what we like.

Of course you do

THISSSSSSS! I came here to say exactly this. Step 1 - have a sharp knife. Step 2 - okay, you got it from here.

Okay, that’s fine, then go support projects that are more representative of your values instead of complaining that this one doesn’t tick all your boxes. 

There’s one name I like to bring up when people try to argue the longevity angle over the peak angle: Sandy Koufax. Is Mussina better than Koufax? Because all the same arguments for Mussina > Halladay apply to Koufax as well.

Maybe because she’s racist, or maybe because it’s borne of the laziness that defines consumer culture — the idea that it’s an artist’s responsibility to present you with the things you want to see and hear, as opposed to you going out and finding those things for yourself.

Because as a culture, we are completely consumed by and obsessed with identity politics to the point that we can’t engage with any kind of art or creative output without taking a full inventory of the racial, gender and sexual make-ups of everyone depicted and everyone involved. I get that representation is

Back in the day, I worked at both a bank and a check-cashing place for a few years. Here’s what I can tell you: If you have a check, and you go to the bank it’s drawn from and present a (read: one) valid state or gov’t issued ID along with a thumbprint on the back of the check, there is NO reason for them not to hand

There is absolutely no fucking way the bank’s proper procedure for cashing a check includes going to the back and calling 911.

Well, it IS just a set of hollow rituals, but you’re actually making a pretty good point. It’s like how Christians and Catholics fixate on things like abortion and gay marriage, but are strangely silent, or at least aren’t willing to make a legal issue out of, say, divorce or eating shellfish for example. It’s because

First of all, I don’t see how anyone can seriously dispute that Ruth, transported in time to today’s MLB, would get consistently smoked by even the worst pitchers in the league. But the whole “he was hitting against railroad workers and saloon owners” argument is pretty weak. Everyone else was hitting against them

There’s two problems here: 1) you are attributing “youth and passion” to a person who, while breaking the color barrier, was really just another moderate Democrat in a long line of moderate democrats, and 2) boring connections and experience are not going to win the day this time around, just like they didn’t in 2016.

It would be weird coming from anyone but him. Who else straight up tells the press “I suck?” Embiid’s on his own trip.

I didn’t question it, he did! Bring me all the heart-warming, corporate-backed nostalgia! 

Wow, so you were a joyless scold even as a child? That’s a shame.

If appalling weirdness is your bag, you should check out ‘I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.’ From what I understand, Harlan Ellison was directly involved in the making of it. It’s not so much a game as it is an act of pure, suffocating nihilism, which, if you’re familiar with the source material, is really the only