
I think at this point we should probably just assume that if you see a man on TV, he’s probably sexually assaulted someone.

Now playing

I like one-syllable names and I have a one-syllable name, but I never thought it was particularly cool until this scene, inarguably my favorite pop culture usage of it.

I’m reluctant to bring you out of the greys by responding to this comment that was made almost a year after this conversation ended, but I’m curious: 1) do you have actual data about the frequency of date rapes occurring on the first date, or are you just making shit up? And 2) how is that relevant to anything that

I mean... the offense has no backfield, Lane Johnson is out, Jason Peters is a good 3 years past his expiration date, Kelce’s playing hurt... so that forces them into a one-dimensional attack where it’s kind of just Wentz and the receivers. The thing that bums me out is Wentz not looking like the magician he once was.

I know it sounds like he’s being pedantic, but I can relate to that feeling of “hmmm... are you bullshitting me?” If you’re a player, that’s one of if not the most common basses in use since the invention of the electric bass.

I have none of those things. I have 4 different devices that host streaming services connected to my fucking smart TV (such obscure, uncommon devices as a PS4, xbox1 and Samsung Blu-ray player) and Filmstruck is offered on none of them.

No, you aggressive jackass, I don’t have any of those things. I have an LG smart TV, a PS4, an XBOX 1 and a Samsung 4k blu-ray player. That’s more than enough shit that streams that I shouldn’t have to buy yet another thing to access it. So that leaves my iPhone or my laptop. If you want people to pay for your shit,

I’d sign up in a heartbeat if it was offered on any of the platforms I regularly use. I’m not watching Tarkovsky on a fucking iPhone.

You do realize that I, personally, don’t have a seat in Congress, right?”

I find stuff like this difficult to navigate, because on the one hand, a false rape accusation is statistically very unlikely, but on the other hand, it doesn’t never happen. So at what point is someone considered exonerated? Do they just live with that cloud over their head forever? Is it okay for someone to not have

“Yo, The Guy, did you kill my dog?”

Oh yes, here’s Big Trav the true intellectual with such towering insights like “our losses are everyone’s fault but our own.” Methinks you mistake arrogant for intellectual. Just because you’re too chickenshit to actually stand for something doesn’t make you the adult in the room. It makes you a fucking relic - a

On the basis that you and yours have been a stumbling block to progress for 40 or so years now. On the basis that the Democratic Party has been hemhorraging seats all over the goddamn country going on 10 years. On the basis that you couldn’t beat Donald fucking Trump of all people. On the basis that our ideas that

Stop that.

We went over the cliff a long time ago, thanks to you and yours. Your shit didn’t work. Time to step aside.

No, I’m definitely not talking about memes... not sure why you’d think that. I’m referring to depictions in movies, TV, visual art, music... particularly anything pertaining to race, sexual violence, LGBT issues, etc. And I’m not saying oversensitivity to these issues is unwarranted - look at the times we’re living

The irony is palpable.

That is a phenomenal straw man argument. I never said or implied “both sides are just as bad.” I’m a socialist. I think one side is much, much worse than the other. But I also don’t ignore negative or short-sighted trends on my side.

Without knowing any specifics, is there any way this is not going to wind up being a big sloppy blowjob to the picked-apart remains of the record industry?

Well it’s all anecdotal, isn’t it? I’m not aware of any peer-reviewed studies on the ability of liberals to contextualize unpleasantness in art. It’s just been my experience as a person with something like 95% of my friends and family being either liberal or far left. We don’t seem to have any problem identifying