
It’s not one or the other. It’s both. It’s a sort of overcompensation in reaction to past insensitivities. I have literally argued with perfectly liberal, well-meaning people who believe depicting an immoral act in art indicates a secret desire or tacit endorsement of said act, regardless of context.

It certainly isn’t reasonable to say that, but that’s exactly how it would play out. The liberal blogosphere we inhabit is incapable of grasping context, or, even worse, view satire as a way to “get away with” saying and doing the bad things you actually want to do.

But... that makes me feel bad.

Jalen Mills getting torched every time the ball was snapped was a much bigger factor than anything Corey Graham did all day. Also, a “vaunted” o-line that’s looked like Swiss cheese ever since Wentz returned. 


You don’t need a budget. Go make some costumes and shoot it on a fuckin iPhone with your racist friends. The people making this thing don’t owe you an explanation for their casting decisions.

That’s a fair point. With licensed properties, “go make your own” doesn’t quite work the same way. I’m thinking about this from the perspective of an artist who makes his own shit all the time. The thought of someone outside of my immediate creative circle trying to dictate what I should or should not do sounds

And this is PRECISELY why I pay a monthly fee for 2 TBs of cloud storage and have an entire walk-in closet full of DVDs, blu-rays and 4k blu-rays (much to the chagrin of Mrs. DavisEyes).

What, pray, is this magical software?

I will never, ever, ever understand the desire or the sense of entitlement required to think you have the right to micromanage someone else’s art. Make your own fucking Witcher movie with all white people if it means that much to you. 

Me too, because for some reason, people like Barsanti still think they can continue to gaslight so many of us into buying this horseshit narrative 2 fucking years after the fact. 

Nah, he’s not better than this. In fact, that comment would be forgivable had he bothered to include “Hillary Clinton’s hubris.” But ya know, it’s way easier to get away with pissing off progressives who can be easily defeated by calling all of them privileged white men regardless of their demographic makeup than to

Thanks for sharing that incredibly original, not-at-all-played-out take.

I already know how it’s gonna go. I’m gonna go into it like “haha well we have to have a sense of humor about ourselves,” and by the third paragraph I’m gonna be “THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT!” It’s like how all year long I’ll complain about our dumbfuck fanbase, but the minute some national media dipshit brings up Santa

Well, good thing he’s got a decade-plus of all-star caliber pitching — including a World Series MVP — under his belt.

I took it as him playfully mocking how aggressively self-absorbed she appears to be.

Yeah, this is me and Margaret Cho.

No, I know abuse and assault victims who felt the need to publicly speak about their experience as a way of dealing with the trauma, but who had no interest in turning it into a legal drama where they’re pressured into sharing evidence and cooperating with investigators and continuing to relive it for months or years

I never claimed she had no idea there’d be any public fallout, or that she didn’t know people would pretty easily put 2 and 2 together, and, as far as I know, she never claimed that either. That’s not the point. If she wants to share her story as a means of purging the experience and moving on with her life, that’s

If I were to use basic logic, I’d say that while she claims to not be interested in destroying his career, it seems likely that she’d be even less interested in coming to the defense of the person who allegedly abused her.