
I have a vague recollection of him trying to incite violence against Obama when he was president. I don’t remember what he said specifically, but I remember it being along the lines of borderline threats a la Ted Nugent.

I don’t even understand the reference. Is melting a pussy supposed to be a good thing? Like, “panty dropper” at least makes logical sense. Pussy melter? “This pedal’s so badass, it’ll render any pussy within earshot USELESS!” Uh... cool?

Now playing

This seems as good a place as any to leave this.

Absolutely. Like George Harrison or Lee Ranaldo, he tended to have a higher batting average than the band’s principle songwriter(s).

I wouldn’t bet on it. This world was built for slime-weasels.

Honestly, I’m as burnt out on Old White Guy’s Lazy Take On Diversity being a news blip as I am on Old White Guy’s Lazy Take On Diversity full stop. Who gives a fuck what Terry Gilliam thinks? Does this reactionary drivel really need a wider audience? Is Gilliam some kind of gatekeeper that I’m not aware of?

Yeah but c’mon... the thread wouldn’t feel right without him. We need that guy.

See, I’m convinced that something called “Portugal. The Man” is incapable of making anything that would interest me.

If they didn’t start paying attention after losing to Trump, there’s no reason to think they’re gonna start now.

Aw, Amy Adams.

I know there are additional things they can tag on depending on the circumstances, but if there is a separate tier of DUI for being really really drunk, this is the first I’m hearing about it. Either way, my point is the same - someone who has a drink or two with dinner is not a criminal.

That... is a perfectly compelling argument and answers my question completely. Thank you.

OH MY GOD, STOP POSTING. I’m fucking embarrassed for you. Seriously. Just take the L. Tomorrow is another day.

I love her so much.

I’m guess I’m finding your response to be kind of confusing... do you not agree that “bad” people are capable of good art and vice versa? Do you think an artist’s internal motives are relevant to a critical discussion about a specific work? I agree it may serve a utilitarian purpose for the artist to examine their

I think my argument would be that it doesn’t really matter what the motive is behind portraying something a certain way. A total creepoid can be capable of crafting a heavy scene with great empathy, and a genuinely decent-but-unskilled person could butcher it. All that matters is how it plays out on the screen, and

The more likely scenario is that he’s a b-level writer who makes b-level games that strive to be more than they end up being. I’m not a woman so I don’t really get to say whether or not women should be offended by how he portrays them, but I’ve always found the idea of “portraying a woman in peril = some subconscious

Agreed... but it’s still problematic, no? I mean, I don’t think she should be fired (or that she’s even wrong), but using gendered insults kind of undermines her whole feminist/progressive shtick, no?

I can summarize all of it in one sentence for you: “WELL WUT ABOUT THE VIEW?!?!?” Apparently they don’t like Donald Trump on The View, so, you know, that’s as bad as saying something deeply racist on Twitter. SEE??? DUBBLE STANDARDS LIBTARDZ!!!!

Conversely, you could just ignore it and not give the developer the attention he was obviously seeking when making the game, which has the added bonus of not giving spiteful, contrarian dullards a cause to rally around.