
I always like the Quantic Dream games, mostly because even though they fail, invariably, from a storytelling perspective, they always feel like valiant failures. David Cage is always swinging for the fences, and it’s kind of endearing. It would be great if someone with more talent would step in and really pull off the

Going out on a limb here, but probably because he’s on a TV show with Cera, knows him personally, knows he was close with Yi, and trusts that he’d be honest with him.

People are good at compartmentalizing their own behavior, and I imagine it’s especially easy when you’re as privileged as a celebrity who rarely has to answer for anything. It’s like all those rah-rah #metoo dudes who turn out to be sexual predators. It likely never even occurred to them that “oh shit, this is me.”

After I saw The Gift, I remember thinking “I bet that’s what Jason Bateman is like in real life.”

Small businesses DO have the right to refuse service to anyone. Just not for reasons of race, religion, etc. Lonely dudes are not a protected class.

No, what it would lead to is an untapped market that some enterprising individual/s would be happy to fill.

“Lars isn’t known for trying to be funny...”

Fuck it, I got time to kill.

It’s not a thought process at all, it’s literally what happened. The case never went to trial. Nothing was proven either way.

No idea what this guy actually looks like, but in my head he’s Lt. Bookman with a cowboy hat.

It’s because they went in too hard against “the process” from day one, so now, rather than admit it actually fucking worked, they have to dig their heels in with unfunny troll-jobs like this. It’s funny how we didn’t hear a peep when the sixers broke the franchise record for consecutive wins, but now with a second

I feel like it has almost an opposite effect. By kicking out Polanski now, they’re reminding me that they kept that fucker on for another 40 years after he raped a minor.

I can’t even wrap my head around the idea that this is an argument that needs to be made. That guy has to trolling. Or 12.

I can’t imagine what the issue would be. The wrongness of it is the entire appeal. Getting off on something you know to be wrong and/or bad is exciting. It’s the same reason so many women have rape fantasies.

A thousand times this. I think about this all the time. What if shit like this existed when I was an unlucky-in-love, sad sack high school student brought up on a steady diet of toxic masculinity that I could never live up to? I was lucky enough to have the benefit of supportive, real-life friends, both male and

I still buy physical blu-ray (or, if available, 4k) not just for posterity, but because it’s still the best picture/sound quality you can get. Streaming has made tremendous leaps quality-wise, so much so that the difference probably isn’t noticeable to your average viewer, but I’m willing to pay to have the movies I

He was often pointed to - and not all that long ago - as one of the few male writers to focus on strong female characters, and as someone vocally supportive of gender equality. But apparently he cheated on his wife, so all that goes out the window.

Hmmm... maybe it’s because an Australian accent sounds like a close cousin of a Southern American accent.

This is what we do now. We weed out the well-meaning-but-imperfect. What used to be a teachable moment is now a death sentence. We’ll figure it out eventually, it’s just an unfortunate and (hopefully) temporary by-product of finally attacking institutional sexism after years of sweeping shit under the rug.

Hey, maybe, just maybe, this isn’t about you!