
White privilege: assuming you are the intended audience of any and every article regardless of subject and expecting your comfort to be of utmost priority. Reflect on that.

The irony of you proving the point of what you’re complaining about - by complaining about it - is so intense, I don’t know if I’ll survive it.

The third, my dear boy.

To be fair, you Brits are pretty awful at American accents, too. I have yet to hear a British actor playing an American be able to properly pronounce the word “anything.” It’s always “en-uh-thin,” and it’s a dead giveaway.

I am deeply offended and a little bit shocked by her use of outdated polling data. I don’t think anyone’s ever accused the Clinton’s of slacking off, least of all when it comes to pandering.

Hey, it’s not our fault you picked a funny hill to die on.

Yes, some inconsiderate, self-indulgent shitbird wasted everyone’s limited time by hijacking a Q&A to pitch his screenplay. Let’s shit on him, indeed.

LOL I know right?? what kind of asshole would try to engage young people with the idea that old people shouldn’t die homeless and destitute? What shameless pandering!

Beautifully stated.

Maybe the monsters are the people who think there are monsters instead of deeply-flawed human beings.

I don’t understand this criticism. How is that any different from former drug-addicts becoming addiction counselors? Wouldn’t it be a net positive for creeps to have someone who can empathize with them? “Hey, I used to be an impulsive, narcissistic shithead with zero respect for women or boundaries. Here’s how I

My favorite thing about that abomination is that Fred Durst’s guest spot consists of him singing backing vocals during the chorus at the exact same pitch as the main melody. Like “Hey Fred, harmonize on this with me! Oh, okay, well that’s not really... eh, whatever, just do that I guess.”

My aching feet feel your pain, but one of the few residuals that have stuck around from my youth is that I absolutely cannot enjoy live music sitting down. I would almost rather not be there if I have to sit. It’s so fucking passive - I can’t be engaged in what’s happening. I may as well sit at home and put the record

This made me laugh so much harder than it should have.

Yeah, but Louie’s making a joke, not shaking his fist at the young whipper-snappers... although it’s entirely possible he’s shaking something else at them.

I wish someone would take away his hair dye. has been the case since at least Godfather III.

And they were books about climate change - you know, something that’s actually important - as opposed to Clinton’s divisive ego-fest.

Except he fucking didn’t. He went right back to work in the senate and used his newfound clout to fight for the issues he campaigned on. You know, the polar fucking opposite of writing a “whoa is me” memoir that served no purpose other than to drive a deeper wedge into the party.

It seems like there’s a fine line to be tread here between “victim blaming” and “practical advice.” Yes, having to change one’s behavior to prevent abuse from others IS an unfair burden, and the focus should be on the behavior of the perpetrator. On the other hand, predators exist. So it really isn’t the worst idea in