
**** that shit is what I say.

I’m 6’ 1” and 185 lb, though oddly enough I’m a good six inches taller than the guys who say they are 5’ 10.” That said, I had a Gen 1 Miata years back, and while I fit, it was certainly cozy and my head brushed the top when it was up. At 6’ 2” and 210 it’s likely to be tight. But no harm in checking it out.

It’s also an unmitigated environmental disaster. You can make coffee without throwing so much more trash into an already overburdened system.

It’s also an unmitigated environmental disaster. You can make coffee without throwing so much more trash into an

Tough talk from a couch potato with a keyboard.

I’m not quite ready to call b******t on this, but it seems hoaxy. While amateur railguns exist, they require significant knowledge and are very limited-use affairs.

The example below was built by a committed team, and still destroyed itself in early testing due to the extreme forces generated.

Stories like this remind me that I don’t go out into General Population very much.

Yeah, and the singular of data is datum.

“VAG owners?” It’s the 21st century, pal. They are called wymyn now. Wise up.

I Know! I had a Miata, and it SUCKED on the Rubicon.

That’s why it’s on the dash, duh.

If the troll-to-brag ratio exceeds 10, the victory can be considered decisive.

Nolan Bushnell is also the founder of Chuck E. Cheese. So let’s take everything he says with a grain of salt.

Ask and ye shall receive:

First one in the family to join the Raelians and give them all its money is more like it.

I liked Range Rovers better when they had the pretense of going offroad. This is just some weird high-center-of-gravity posemobile for profiling in fancy shopping districts. I agree with those who say it’s a Murano with cut lines.


This is the first time that I’ve heard a firearms enthusiast (I assume that you are one) assert that we should be more like Europe in our approach to gun laws.

Nah, I think he’s just an overgrown adolescent making a toy.

This isn’t ingenuity. It’s just random bullshit.

If I thought steampunk was over have just confirmed any doubt I might have had.