Hate to be "that guy", but he makes an important point. They should just go back to where they came from.
Hate to be "that guy", but he makes an important point. They should just go back to where they came from.
This is good.
- No.
- No.
- Nope.
- Nah.
- Ahhh, no.
- Next.
- Pass.
- Nah.
- Nope-a-dope.
- No.
- No!
- NO!
- Yes!
[prepares crucifix]
I wish this was the top comment.
Splendid advice, Sameer.
I thing the real danger is getting your eyes poked out with the probe while you get dug out. Safety goggles, people.
Dexy's Midnight Runners would like to take this opportunity to remind you that, in addition to their smash hit single, they also think Mike Krzyzewski is a rat-bag dickface.
For all the incredibly dumb shit my son watches on youtube (that I yell at him for), I don't think anything can touch the hot garbage that was MTV Spring Break. Dear lord how I ate that crap up.
just click the star-shaped thingy
Wish you would dashcram it
I'm depressed that a university was devoting time, money, and resources to tricking itself
I can't tell you how happy this makes me. SUCK IT, 'CUSE LOVER
Yes. Yes that's what the joke is. You fucking moron.
Dan Kaplan: Do you have any video of Dez Bryant in the parking lot?
Idiot. +1
The name is, apparently, designed to be as close to a real word as possible while still denying the consumer any dignity in purchasing it.
Oh boy. I wonder if this might give people a reason to hate Duke.
Doug Exeter, everybody.
My wife sees it as black and blue. She couldn't understand why I even asked. Thanks, Obama.