Same Sad Echo

Hi Greg, just want to pop in to say you are dead fucking wrong about this. God bless.

This is hilarious.

I just get the feeling that Diana put so much time into a story that ultimately led nowhere, that she's trying to salvage that effort by making a big deal over nothing. Saying "we'll just have to take his word for it" is at best petty, and at worst childish.


Jesus, I can't believe you're not getting it.

Suspended, reinstated, and finally dismissed in the span of five days? That's decent, but still two days shy of the record.

Bingo. Talk about trying to make something out of nothing.

You fucking idiot. +1


Dan Shaughnessy for Annie.

...they use to puncture holes in the shells of, say, crabs, or mollusks, or babies, or whatever else they want to eat at the time. They then inject venom into their prey, causing paralysis. And then they eat their prey alive by sucking out their innards. We're calling it Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

Meanwhile in the corner you can juuuust make out Chuck Johnson Jr., shitting on the floor.


There's your warning, and here's the butt. Welcome to Arby's!


Sorry, but my idea is just more practical.

Well I do have it on good authority that Kyla is the worst, so

This is an excellent idea. There should be more wasps in baseball in general.

Another solution would be to light the batter and pitcher on fire, then they'd want to move pretty quickly I'd think.

Awesome. Now leave Nick Saban outside overnght.