omigod, speaking of dick joke; I keep leaving my TV on at night and waking up at 4am to the 'LONG HOSE' infomercial and I swear it HAUNTS ME IN MY DREAMS. grrrr...
omigod, speaking of dick joke; I keep leaving my TV on at night and waking up at 4am to the 'LONG HOSE' infomercial and I swear it HAUNTS ME IN MY DREAMS. grrrr...
I thought anything you wore on your head WAS a headdress???
hahahahahaha you made me smile with that one!!!!!!!!
I AGREE ABOUT APPLE. I am all for weird names but when that happened (and maybe it's because it's Gwyneth and I hate her) but no now actually, I think that's what made me start hating her....
nah I kinda like it too. NTM it doesn't start with a K and that, my friends, is PROGRESS!!!!!!!
Ask Obama. and btw, those shoes are UGLY!? (gladiators I mean)
brilliantly said. I just pray that it stays in my heart and head...because it was so nice to 'hear'.....
totally agree...LOVE IT. I played one of those stupid facebook things the other day where you pick the first letter of your first, middle, and last names and it gives you a nickname and mine came up with "Preposterous Diamond Man" which, to be honest, is totally fitting. (and yeah i'm a girl).....
lmfao the velociraptor thing was my fave part too...lemme guess, do you like to do the Jumble? Like, in the newspaper?
...I was disappointed w/this article too, though I hate to say so. :(
MUCH LOVE in response to this. Keep listening and ANSWERING !!!!!!!!! Thank you.
again, thank you for your sympathetic and eloquent response. Weak Antelope....that's me. My Indian Name. ha. though actually, truthfully, it isn't, and I respect you for reminding me of that. :)
the choreography is terrible but OH, THE WAVE at the end!!!! to die for.
the number is UK?????
That is so, so, so kind of you to share and to help...there aren't words for how gracious that is. I will look up the number....I need it probably. It was a blessing to hear from you.
thank you for your response. I think the hardest thing is trying to define if you're being abused or not. what was it like calling the Samaritans?
thanks for the 'pillow case full of doorknobs' reference :) made me smile
but if we seek out our equals, does that make us responsible for our abuse? i'm honestly confused. and like I've said, i'm in a relationship like this.