
We’d decided to get married together a while back but never solidified the plan (proposal, ring, telling family etc). One night, a month before our third anniversary and two years after moving in together, I was looking at the calendar for the days of the week our future anniversaries would fall on. Turns out, our

Technically I proposed to him but there was zero fanfare. We were looking at something on the computer (I forget what) and then I just nonchalantly asked him “hey, you wanna marry me?” He paused for like 3 seconds and answered “Yes!” Then I said “should we tell my parents?” “Sure, why not?” Then we went into the

Yes, it is where the women plot their nefarious gynocentric agenda.

I don't want a large Farva, I want a goddamn liter of cola!

No sketti scent?

When I wanted to get dressed up in the 80s, I would just ask my alcoholic unemployed dad to give me one of my dead mother's old dresses, and then I would sew it into something new by altering it and adding bits of lace and stuff.

You're not alone — I'd wear that, too!

As someone whose college years fell during the late 80's, this is bringing back some serious memories. Middle-aged mom says "what were you thinking" but inside, 19-year-old gal-about-town thinks "I'd hit that."

Does it have to be a cocktail dress? In 1988, I was hitting the local club in my little midwestern college town in my roomate's middle eastern tunic and harem pants. My best clubbing friend and I bust it out to Terrence Trent D'Arby "Wishing Well" like we were channeling the life force. Five years later he came out to

You guys. This dress. You have no idea the impact this dress had on my ideas of fashion and/or propriety at the tender age of 8. How is she concealing her underwear? What do you mean she isn't wearing any underwear???? Why is this red dress so incredibly fascinating and yet simultaneously repellent? Explain these

I had this dress! I was 13 and we had just moved from Utah to Illinois. I was trying desperately to make friends and fit it, which is no easy feat for an introverted geek. I was included in a group invitation to a girl's Sweet 16 party (like, she got up in Sunday School and said "Hey, I'm having my Sweet 16 party and

I would only use "YOLO" if I was about to be executed and the state asks for my last words. I would also throw up a "shocker" too for good measure.

The only time I lived like there was no tomorrow was when I answered a casting call for Degrassi. As there was no tomorrow, I wouldn't have to live a lifetime of shame from being on that show.

that cartoon should be called 'Jezebel in a Nutshell' *LOVE*

Egg-zactly! We are the captains of our souls. Or, less poetically but more Billy-Joel-y, "either way it's ok to wake up with yourself"

That sucks. Sorry to hear that.

I like the cut of your jib.

Give me a nice muff anyday. I like to pick the hairs off my lips. No need to shave things and look like a 9 year old girl. Sex in the city is a terrible show.

Samantha's face says it all, "why yes, I do bribe the show's stylists to dress the others in the frumpiest, ugliest, clothes available. Charlotte's dress is so ugly it is trying to strangle its host. Miranda looks like a Christmas tree skirt. And Carrie's dress ate her breasts."

I love the way he says "when shooting a baby like mine..." as though other babies are generally more focussed and professional.