
Does this count? I actually asked the man I love to marry me THREE TIMES and never got a of which was on my knee in Wal-Mart. So, ya know, life.

I still use my stripper/porn name as a handle and only because it's 100% true and 100% perfect: BITSY BRANDYWINE. It's even on my resume (though my older sister continually encourages me to change it.)

I got them all, but 15 and 10 were the only 2 which interested me.

sounds like you have a good therapist! gimme the number!!!!

is it wrong that it bothers me that she's using the double negative 'no good to no one' ??? ugh.

how can it be ok for them to take coins up their trunks? seems dangerous??

me too, i'm in!

that cartoon should be called 'Jezebel in a Nutshell' *LOVE*

20 motrin? that's like, a regular hangover day for me....ok, not really but, AND I DO HOPE SHE GETS HELP, that's kind of a weenie try for attention. it's like 'a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down' ....dumb

EXACTLY what I thought!

jesus I need to take up motocross

agreed. I damn near cried watching the video above. and IMO, that Blake Fielder-Civil and that other guy (can't remember right now) really did her in.

damn thanks for that vid....LOVED her...OT that kid in the pic with her at the top looks just like me in junior high.

well it's only every greeeaaattt once in a while. so don't be. :)

I like 'em. especially on her.

yeah when her husband killed himself or whatever....whoa. AND she kept doing the about NOT bowing out gracefully....

I TOTALLY DO. I have great orgasms during sleep. it's nice. and who knows what produces them? do you not have them? does anyone else? it's not often or anything. but I do have them. and they're niiiiiiiiiiiice.

I've been drinking so long I don't even GET hangovers anymore. alcoholic, anyone?

yo did you say MIA was on this soundtrack? or ???? because I looked up the song list to check out that song from the club scene and MIA isn't on it at all??

I know, right? my dream job is DJ. but I live in KY where even at the best events they're still playing country and kid rock. sigh. I love the thought of putting music to a book, in a sense. J'ADORE music!!!!!!!!! and themes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we should do a pseudo-soundtrack. lol