
I just posted on facebook the other day "Some people are just assholes" -Ancient Wisdom.

Yeah the guy I'm dating tortures me verbally and then says 'Why are you so mad? You're the only one arguing!' as if an argument can happen with one person. UGH.


WHOA. 'I have tried to empower you as an equal as much as I CAN????????????? HE SAID THAT?! I am in a similarly control-freak relationship and I appreciate what the therapist said; it's comforting. Same goes for that article the other day about abuse ("Abusers don't tend to go from dirty looks to face-breaking right's nearly impossible for me to believe this is true (tho I do) because I cannot IMAGINE SOMEONE DOING THIS! I want pics of these people!!!!!!!!

OK, i'm gonna change my name on here to 'the gift basket dude.' who better to be? except I am inclined toward the nickname 'JuiceBox' as well.....

I can't see the vid but i'd marry Colbert in a minute. ADORE HIM.

cowboy-itis. i'm in love.

WAS THAT THE REAL TITLE?! I AM IN LOOOOOOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha well I am advised of that and thank you. *bows out gracefully

well I mean being gorge is totally a reason to model; I just think as smart as her responses sound she SHOULD be doing journalism. sorry if I offended.

this is one of those 'THANK GOD FOR THE BACKUP DANCERS' kina things

hell did you see her on 'Ellen'??? she brought HER MOM on and her mom was more expressive than she was...i'm impressed she looks good but she acted.....completely...blah. never seen anything like it. she barely moved and/or spoke.

and P.S., this girl is too smart to be a model.

damn I didn't know most editorial jobs are unpaid (or did I?) That's bullshit!

read the whole thing and damn near cried; thanks for posting.

sounded to me more like you were mad, and I appreciated it. it feels in defense of all of us, and what else is Jezebel for? truly, good job and thanks.

"..abusers don't tend to go from dirty looks to facebreaking right away..." = PERFECT, PERFECT CALL. Couldn't have been more well-said.

yup, just what I said, totally agree.

If it's humanly possible, I like him LESS since he's 'reformed.' I just had a period of loving blogs (Jezebel, Dlisted, Etc. due to them being great slash having boring accounting jobs) and I could never stomach his stuff, which is saying something because very, very rarely am I offended. He never seemed to have any