Hey, that is not their fault. Just like you can't blame Joy Division for the awfulness that is She Wants Revenge.
Hey, that is not their fault. Just like you can't blame Joy Division for the awfulness that is She Wants Revenge.
Saw it last night...Laughed my ass off.
We're Kinja friends. If you're back at YNHH, I'll bring you whatever. A friend I met on Kinja drove me home from my abortion. We're here for each other! Ask. Ask and we're there.
OMG YES. Welcome to every single day of my life. I'm going to snuggle with this comment and rub its shoulders a little.
Sam Jackson Five's comment was harsh but said nothing about her mental health. Someone can be 100 percent sane and still be a weirdo.
You'd think some of the money they save short changing women on salaries could go to free tampons for all.
Yes. Yes, we are. ;-)
I ate fried chicken today! Why is no one doing articles on who makes the best fried chicken???!?!?!!
I'm not sure a diagnosis of bipolar disorder should necessarily give a person a free pass to say whatever alarmist and judgmental shit that they want for the rest of their life with no one allowed to call them on it.
This is a sub-blog for food-related stuff.
Dammit, I would've just dismissed the original dumbass comment, but this is way too funny for me to do so now.
You're subverting the issue because you want to comment on something else. There is no 1 to 1 in politics. Most children learn this rule as life isn't fair, buck it up.
This sounds like a scheme to separate anxious new parents from their money.
One can be both mentally ill and an attention whore.
Look, there's no indication that she's not perfectly in control right now. Are you really saying that because she's mentally ill, she's exempt from critique/mocking? That's pretty infantilizing.
That's been my plan all along, but I might be waiting too long.
I was like, what's the famous verse in Acts 29, why isn't that ringing any bells? Off to the Google ... It's because there are 28 chapters in Acts. The 29th Chapter is apparently this dude's ministry. Douchebro braggadocio wrapped in livid misogyny is the obvious next step for any good Apostle. I don't know why that…
Almost as concerning as having a child with a psychotic asshole is having a child with someone dumb enough to not use privacy mode during their sessions of being a psychotic asshole on the internet.
Since absolutely nothing spoken from Cumia's mouth should be considered intelligent, I choose to bring attention to the deeds of an individual that is far more worthy of attention and negates this ignorant man's argument. Let me introduce Katherine Johnson, a black research mathematician who worked in the all-male…
Honestly, let's be honest. You're seeing white males smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee at the console and putting people on the moon. How is this a horrible thing?