the law quantifies the trauma everyone experiences. Life is not binary.
the law quantifies the trauma everyone experiences. Life is not binary.
Loved these guys back in the day. They kept threatening to put out new material, but as far as I know they have not. Satanic music isn't just limited to black metal, and most people don't get the humor in their music. Fun to play at work ;).
Rape or Incest? I can't justify the aborting of a fetus under those conditions. Terrible answer, I know
Here's a bonus tale of billboard vandalism. I've told this story before on Kitchenette but this time I have a picture, which is worth a thousand words.
I was raised Roman Catholic, and it always amazes me that not everyone grew out of it after the 6th grade as I did.
Let "fate" take its' course? Even when 'fate' means a very short life of pain and misery, forcing a woman to continue a pregnancy she knows is doomed is horrific. Orphanages? They were a horror, that's why they are gone, besides the vast majority of women who carry unintended pregnancies to term do not give up the…
Murder and killing are not synonymous, neither are embryo/fetus and baby, nor are human and person. Murder is the illegal, unlawful act of one person killing another person with malice, it is a legal charge. Abortion isn't murder, it's legal, lawful, a fetus isn't a (legal) person until after birth, even when illegal…
What about that child's right to food, shelter, clothing? Why don't the pro-life people ever give a damn about the baby past the moment it's born?
Precisely. There are actual atrocities being committed against innocent people. There are actual tragedies. It would be immoral to focus on induced abortions of brainless, senseless, soulless puddles of cells when the world has actual problems. Not to mention "it gives this particular Pope a sad, but the Church…
Hail Satan! These guys have been trolling the religious right for decades, it's really just a shared bunch of agnosticism/aetheists under the made up trappings of a religion at its very core designed to get very well under the collar of the conservatives. LOVE IT!
William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
Bravo Satanists! I'll consume a satanic vegan doughnut in your honor.
I fail to see how your personal religious beliefs are even remotely relevant to the conversation. It's not your body. It's not your choice. It's not any of your business.
"I can only speak as a Roman Catholic..."
Even a Satanic clock is right twice a day!
If you were TRULY a Christian you'd understand that 'innocent baby' is an oxymoron as your branch of religion is convinced that all humans are born with the taint of original sin. Considering that your church not only considers women to be second-class citizens (and, until recently, little more than chattel) I don't…
Well, the question of ensoulment was originally accepted by the RCC as occurring at quickening, the approximate period in the fourth to fifth month wherein the mother could begin to feel movement of the fetus.
My favourite from Ireland:
fetuses aren't people. the. end.